We never saw Amalthea in the sequence in the doctor's office but the implication is that there were far more girls affected than the four who were shown.
It's certainly possible. But while Dani's session in Zenon's office finished over 14 of our Earth months ago, it was actually only last night in the story. I'm not sure where Amaltheia had been when she got off the bus with Aiken later that night (or just over a year ago), but assuming she had to travel there, and she did
something while she was there, it might be a stretch for her to have fitted in some programming with Dani before she left. But I don't think we could rule it out.
Miriam appeared to give the magic finger to Amaltheia's fishy receptacle in 792. My guess would be that that was the inspiration for her "Yes Mistress" moment (and I assume it was Miriam she called).
At the moment I'm inclined to think that what's significant here is that Amaltheia
isn't one of the women Dani "treated" last night. But - as ever - we don't really know what the truth is.