Well, clearly both Adrian and Erin have a bit to learn about being in a committed permanent relationship:
1) Erin, if Adrian asks "what's wrong?" after you hint strongly something is seriously wrong, you should tell him.
2) Adrian, if Erin hints something is terribly wrong by asking you something like "What's the worst thing you've ever done?", you should follow up.
My hope is that Erin confronts her demons -- clearly, what happened with "Cherry" (I think she's Einfridur, in league with the Kupplers, but that's another unsubstantiated theory) is a major cause of upset in Erin's life -- and comes out healed. I would go so far as to posit that "the worst thing she's done in her life" is a) connected to the guest strip with the beast-thing and b) one of the main reasons for her extremely negative outlook on life that we saw in the very first issues.
Lastly, I have to leave with one comment:
Supposed the King James who succeeded Elizabeth I was the eighth in Banquo's line of kings. James didn't have sons or grandsons to succeed him.
James had sons. Charles I reigned until he was executed in 1649 and the Republic established. Charles II, the grandson of James VI and I, was restored to the throne in 1660 after the collapse of the Revolution, and Charles II's brother James VII and II reigned briefly afterwards.