Well, Raven has been lusting over Erin since we first met her.
I'm not sure which building has the art deco (scallop-like) window from Marliese's scene, but it seems to be one of Jakob's places - it was in the "tits and holes" scene in Miriam's mind too. And the plants in Mallory's scene made it look like that might be in one of his places too (unless anyone can identify it as somewhere else?).
So far Raven's scene does not appear to be in a house of Jakob. Like the scenes for Miriam's victims, this seems to be more a product of Raven's mind. And if that's the case, it's maybe not surprising that Erin has turned up. Is Jakob actually present in Raven's mind? Might someone else turn up? In that case can it possibly be someone other than Adrian (please)? After the recent fuss over in An Education, I'd quite like it if Master turned out to be Miriam with a cock.
I mean, I’ve been confused since Adrian said it was Raven’s turn as to how Jakob got in her head. I get people talking about the “tits and holes” scene as being the point, but I don’t think that would be a point of entry. Erin had the watch used on her when it was still attuned to Jakob, so I get her having his fantasies in her head, and the theatre probably didn’t help. Miriam I get as well given we’re explicitly told he programmed her even if it wasn’t with the watch. That’s why they get spacey at the end of Jacqui’s story about the 80s when she says “tits and holes.” Raven, however, was reeled in for maybe half an hour, if that; to say then that that left lasting Jakob-prints in her grey matter is… odd, especially considering there’s been no such indication or concern about him being in Reka’s head since she also got sucked into the T&H night.
But then it begs the question if Raven doesn’t have Jakob properly in her, why use the watch? Just as a matter of insurance? Make sure that if Jakob does come calling (which seems inevitable at this point) that he doesn’t get his hooks in her? It’s weird.