Dear Daphne.
I am writing this as an open letter in the hopes that it will spark useful discussion amongst the users of the site about how they would most like to concume and pay for content. The letter may come off as harsh but they are intended in the spirit of constructive criticism. I have great respect for you and the artists of this site.
I am the sort of person who has little interest in serial media consumption. I wait for the last episode of a season of TV, and then binge-watch the whole season in one go. I'll walk into a comic book store and spend $1k once a year, but I won't even consider spending $20 every week even though it's the smae amount of money for the same content. Similarly, I don't want to have to log in to once a day, or even once a week, to download just one issue. I want to download lots of issues once every few months and then enjoy them off-line and with a non-in-browser viewing experience.
Content that is only available in-browser, or only available with an active web connection, might as well not exist as far as I'm concerned... certainly is not worth PAYING for! This brings me to I download just one pdf, and I can't download a second pdf for a whole day! I understand that you don't want the whole site to be downloadable all at once by someone willing to just pay for one month of the site. It is possible for someone who is not illegally pirating or distributing your content to not want to interact with your site every single day, nor consume material on a serial basis!
This download limit frankly damages the value proposition for the site, for me, to the point where rather than let my membership lapse once or twice a year, I will probably simply abandon it permanently when my current 3 month membership is up. I don't imagine for a minute that you will change this policy for MY SAKE... but you should understand that I'm what you might call a dedicated mind control erotica enthusiast... Off and on, I've been a member of this site for as long as it has existed; I've written stories on The Erotic Mind Control Story Archive: ; I've published dozens of captioned mind control images on the Hypnopics Collective: ; I've purchased hundreds of dollars of MC-Theater content over the years; hundreds of dollars of mind control content from authors on Smashwords and Yahoo books too.
So if this download cadence limitation is a deal-breaker for me who is smack-dab in the middle of your most enthusiastic fan demographic, there's a good chance that it is a deal breaker for other people whom you could be making money from as well. I understand that this policy is probably part of some anti-piracy effort, and that piracy is no doubt damaging to your business, but you need to understand that this policy is damaging to your business too!
I humbly suggest that you consider upping the limit of pdf downloads per day to something like 5.
--Sincerely, Luke345