Oh man! This was my fantasy since I was a teenager growing up in the UK. I used to dream that my fave Page 3 Girl, Donna Ewin
http://donna-ewin.tumblr.com/page/3 , would drive up beside me looking for directions, but she would spray some 'perfume' on me and make me her slave. I would then get in her car and she would take me to a house where she would continue the hypnosis, by using her amazing breasts to make me her willing slave forever. Once it was done, I would go home and wait for the trigger. This would happen when I would pass by a phone box on the road, and I'd be compelled to answer it. She would say a trigger word and I would be under. She would make me go to a shop and buy a copy of a porno mag (Penthouse or Playboy) and I would have to bring it back to the house to her. We would then have sex as my reward.
As a 14-15 year old boy, this was my main fantasy growing up, and still to this day I would love it to happen :-) Your comics and movies help make this dream a little more real (even if the man is mainly hypnotising the woman), so THANK YOU DAPHNE :-)