Three Star Sneetch
Posts: 217
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2024, 09:24:52 am » |
Alright, so this is now what it seems like has happened:
Adrian and Dani go into the fantasy in order to start setting things right. They arrive in Jacqui's corner of the fantasy right as Erin has been fully subdued by the drug. Adrian, possibly being affected by the fantasy or possibly to keep Dani from being turned against him in some way when they do encounter Miriam, uses the fantasy on her to make her mindlessly obedient to him as well.
Next, Miriam's true self is pulled out of the stepford fantasy Erin trapped her in earlier by Adrian, who seems to be in control now by virtue of being the sole man in the fantasy who has entered by his own will. With the stepford and medieval fantasies weakening her split consciousness, Miriam is easily caught unawares by zombie Erin and zombie Dani, drugged, and pleasured by Jacqui into total submission to Adrian. The drugging makes her easily ensnared by the collar as they cross over into Ama's fantasy, turning her into the harpy and restoring her mind, albeit completely subservient to her Master.
With Miriam sufficiently caged, Adrian can now take the necessary steps to free first Jacqui, then Dani and Erin, and finally Ama, Reka, and Aiken, from Miriam's control, and theoretically, they can devise a way out of Miriam's mind a la Dani and Erin in issues 605-607.
So it looks like my initial suspicions that the domination of Dani was all a long-game play by Adrian to ensure that Miriam could be securely captured and tamed played out more or less as anticipated