One Star Sneetch
Posts: 8
« on: June 03, 2022, 07:02:17 am » |
Hi, I've been a fan of your comics for years and a subscriber to the website for a few months now. I thought I'd post a few musings I've had about the evolution of MCC stories. I believe I might appear overly negative. If so, don't worry. There is plenty to love about the content here. I'm also not a native speaker so I apologize for any mistakes/weird turn of phrases. So without further ado : First, as I've seen the stories coming from MCC, I started to realize that I prefer more and more the shorter ones here. Mostly for some very specific reasons: One is that, like most TV shows, I think some series here have been stretched too far. In an attempt to find unneeded twists, simple concepts have deviated from what made them interesting. And I suspect that like a tv show, some readers hang on to series by comfort and fidelity. Linked to that, I think some annoying tropes have creeped up : - the inconsequential mind control. The mind control can be removed easily, so that we can have more and more adventures/twists and various brainwashings, followed by new new hypnosis, new brain erasure, new mantras, etc. All of them not amounting to anything because remplacing the previous one or being lifted off. - the changing of the master/mind controller. Nothing worse than following the exploits of one mind controller and then see him lose everything and his work undone by someone else.
All in all. Rather than those tropes, what I believe would be more interesting is to see one master develop a progressively ever deeper transformation of his slaves' mind, each technique not erasing but building on the previous one. Incremental corruption etc. Here are some of the series I believe suffer from what I've mentionned: _ Beyond Rubies (I haven't bought the anthology yet so there might be some additionnal stuff I haven't read.) One of the best series on MCC. The first chapters are perfect gradual transformation and corruption. Then it turns out the husband was kind of over his head. A disapointment, sure. But at least we have our new mind controller/proactive character : Monsonis. Competent, commited, knows what he wants, and most importantly pushes the transformations and progression of it further. Very lackluster ending, he ends up punished for being at the forefront of the transformations we read this comic for. _ Cuckoos Nest : Honey has escaped from so many mind control schemes. I don't take any seriously. I'm happy if at least we get to have the secondary characters fall to some real mc and transformation. _ By the Book 2 : While by the book 1 was one of my favorite stories, the second one seems hellbent on destroying everything our protagonist built with the first one. Apparently, the mind control is easily washed away, redirected toward the latest random guy walking around... Pass. (Other stories who fell to those tropes: Roll Playing, Enchanted Summer...)
Series that avoided falling to the tropes so far (not extensive): _ Bigger : our protagonist seems to be building something. Each time he has a sex with his women they fall deeper and deeper under his control and in adoration of him. Simple. Wish fullfilment. But efficient. _ Hidden Knowledge : Main protagonist is ressourceful, and the progression of his conquests' infatuation towards him is fun. Fan of the breast growth tf that goes with it. Not a fan of the extreme breast expansion. Especially if not balanced by hips growing too, etc. _ Friend request : like Bigger, simple formula but well executed. The progressive infatuation of our protagonists' quarries, their rationalization, is endlessly fun to read about. Other stories include: Sudo, The Ring Cycle, The In Law Unit, Extreme Makeover, most of the one-offs and earlier stories)
Plenty more to say on the other stories. But I'll think I'll just post it on each series' section. Lots of positive things I haven't mentionned, like the dialogue, good "production value" of most comics, etc.