There was no font issue on our end to begin with. All the pages are jpg's. Some mishap in the publishing pipeline occurred, and Daphne already fixed it.
That being said, some cache between Skyrender's eyeballs and Da Server hasn't properly flushed and so you're still seeing the original bad version. Which is odd, given the response headers on the page images. Might be worth serving ETags for them even though they aren't meant to be cached. Something is clearly ignoring the cache-control header and whatever else is supposed to warn off keeping them around... is my armchair IT verdict.
Hit 'Refresh' a bunch more times or try in a different browser.
Well, I've tried multiple refreshes/buffer clearances, three different browsers and even a different computer with no success (with the pdf), soi I can only assume that the problem is not at my end. One thing is a constant in life: when computers/software screws up they really screw up. At least the pages work!
Grest issue though. Interesting to see that women are coming up dominant in all sort of (fictional) places recently: Dr Who, MC here and allegedly sorting out Thanos inext year....