I was just doing what I could to gently hasten the revelation of her name (and hopefully her full physical form including her face). However, I do actually have a web question. Why is the web address for issue #85 include saintjaimesinfirmary and the issue title, but not its number sequencing.
For instance, the web address for issue #84 is:
http://mindcontrolcomics.com/members/weekly/sji-i084However, the web address for the issue dated 5-11-12 is:
http://mindcontrolcomics.com/members/weekly/cheese_it_it's_the_boss/If I type the web address that I would expect to be next in the sequence after issue #84, it's blank. However, the issue title address for issue #84
http://mindcontrol/comics.com/members/weekly/benefit_plan/isn't valid either. Does the web address for the newest issue indicate a change in policy, or will issue #85 be redesignated to it's i number address once it is no longer the most recent issue?
all think you miss type it in
try this for #84