Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 576
aMember user
« on: December 25, 2024, 12:28:11 am » |
This Christmas, I decided to write a little present to Daphne
Daphne, your talent perhaps goes oft unsung; for you make fetish pornography, a field given little respect even by those who consume it, and none at all in polite society. For this reason, there are few with ambition, creativity, and integrity who even attempt to dabble in such a space, let alone make a living out of it, let alone create art within it.
But since you uploaded your first story onto the EMCSA in 1998, I don’t believe that you have looked on mind control erotica as anything less than a worthwhile endeavor unto itself, and you have put as much passion, imagination, and care into works prose, film, and graphic as any so-called serious artist I have ever known.
I am constantly bedazzled by the breadth of your storytelling: you have pieces that are funny, dark, quiet, basic, complex, or thoughtful, or something else besides, or sometimes several of the above. The number of characters, storylines, tones, moods, and kinks that you not only service but must maintain simultaneously is stunning. A team of writers would be proud of such a diverse output; you carry the load mostly on your own shoulders.
But! Your talents do not end there. For you are also a business owner, manager, programmer, filmmaker, and game designer; each one a full-time job unto itself, even on a big team. And I’ve been around MCC long enough (since day one!) to remember the Bad Old Days when the whole credit card industry seemed to decide you weren’t allowed to exist (if anyone reading this wasn’t around in those days: I’m not kidding, and it was a grim time!). You persevered, you made it through, and you’ve kept this site and this community going ever since.
All of these are triumphs, and I just want you to know that I see them, I am amazed by them, and I admire them all. Erotica can and should have artistic merit; this specific fetish is no less deserving of it. You are the exemplar of what this fetish can accomplish right now. In fact, you have been since you started.
And so! To all the rest of you reading this, I challenge thee: respond to this with your own present to Daphne (doesn’t have to be this long). What has her work meant to you? What most impresses you? What do you most admire?
At the last: I have said this before, Daphne, but a tweet from you once convinced me to seek out real-world power exchange relationships, and my life has never been the same since.