Okay! Finally a spot of time so I can continue reviewing. Last thing I read was Good People #1, so I'm eager to see this issue and the next segment of the story.
I'm trying something new here- commenting as I go so I can give an honest first impression point of view. I'm not sure how long that will last, if I get too wrapped up in the story. Heh.
So I really like the cover. It's a good continuation of the theme set with Good People 1's cover. It's well drawn. The faces are definitely done differently, so I was immediately reminded of Daphne's comment about there being a different artist for this one. (Sure enough, new name right there on the cover!)
So I was paying close attention to the art on page 1, even flipping back to issue #1 to compare. Yes, things are drawn a little differently, but I was happy to see that the spirit of the comic, or the tone set in issue 1 if you'd prefer, is consistent. So definitely no complaints. I'd put my first impression of Mau's art as solidly good, though I'll definitely be on the lookout for anything drawn by Tim in the future.
The lettering was a little difficult to read at first. I think I got used to it, and it provides a touch of otherworldly feel. I can see why the design team went with it. Also, reading on, I realize it's only used for the Fey Folk. That was a nice touch!
Page 2, and Thomas is decidedly Bad-Ass. It's really cool to see, in a universe where people's wills are taken quite suddenly, someone who has enough internal strength to go "you can control me, but you can't own me."
REALLY good facial expressions on page 4. As I continue on, some of the sex scenes (like the panel at the bottom right of page 5, and the lower half of page
are simply fantastic. Also, the skeletons on page 5 are chilling.
I'm not sure if this issue just got better as it was drawn, or if I got used to the new art style, but the nude shots keep looking sexier, and everything just seems to be getting better.
Finished the issue, and I can't help but feel like Thomas is a victor even in his captivity. It was quite awesome.
I hope to see more from this series, but this definitely brings the beginning story arc to a neat close. I like how the three 'newbie' humans were compelled and helplessly trapped under the mighty Fey Will throughout the entire time. It definitely brought out something special to see people controlled so utterly, but still have the story end happily. Also, the fact that Thomas seemed to grow an inner strength during his time with the court says intriguing things about the possibilities in future issues. Granted, it took him 100 years, but...
Overall, I'd have to rate this one as definitely upholding the standard set by the first issue. The story concluded satisfactorily, left hints for future issues, and showed some great mind controlled sex along the way.
Job well done!!