I just thought I'd post because I was chatting with some folks over at the Metrobay discord server today, and Penelope came up. And I noticed it had been about a year since the last release.
Still one of my favourite stories on the site, even if it could be considered more mind-control-adjacent.
Daphne, Plutonian Knight, and Maksim Strelkov always do such a great job with the series. Daphne's world building is excellent, and I feel like it might be one of, if not the best example on the site of what an excellent writer she is. I feel like it stands up just about anything at the top of the cyberpunk genre, and always leaves me wanting to know more.
And Plutonian and Maksim's art work really helps breath life into that as well. The world feels like a shiny future gone to grime and ruin, with all the evils of humanity on display, with glimmers of hope, despite everyone knowing that things are going to get much worse before the world comes out the other side. It's intimate with the small cast, but we get the feeling of bigger events.
Not sure if I have a point here beyond that's it's an excellent work, and I hope we get a new instalment this year.