What the character list for this scene is crying out for is a spirit of some kind, but unfortunately it's sorted alphabetically and Ghost, Jakob, Marliese wouldn't work.
You would think not. Oddly Marliese hasn't been screaming as her breasts have grown, or been apparently aroused, or felt any apparent need to dominate or be dominated. She's always been something of a dispassionate observer regarding her enslavement to Adrian. I don't know if I'm going anywhere with that. But anyway, unlike all the other women there she hasn't had the hands-on treatment from Miriam. I can't see why she would choose to set the watch to do this to her. And at this point it's hard to believe that this is what it's normally like when the watch is used. Maybe she's a victim of Dani acting under Miriam's influence here? Also, Jakob's position here is more akin to that of Erin with Reka. That's Erin who might just possibly be the daughter of Patrick and Melody. And I don't know if I'm going anywhere with that either.