Caitlyn was seeing Dr. C. for weight loss? That does not make sense.
I don't think so either. But there's no talking to some girls.
Who are the brunette cheerleaders on either side of her? Will they be appearing in the next story, or are they just meant to tease us?
Telling, again!
You can see from the calendar that these people never have sex on a Friday. It's just bad timing on our part.
Some people give up fish....
Anyway, one more question about Caitlyn. What exactly is that device she's holding? It looks a lot like either an early 21st century recorder (one of those things you sync to your computer) or one of the last generation Walkmans. It isn't an Ipod or an MP3 player. It's too boxy and thick to be a phone. What is that thing?
Dude. You're killin' me, here. It's a phone.
Oh I agree. I meant no longer curious, but full blown, hot, goth, Bi-sexual slavegirl.
Mmmmmmmm. Full blown, hot, goth, bisexual slavegirl.