Five Star Sneetch
Posts: 4471
Drawn and Quartered.
« on: July 29, 2019, 12:01:39 am » |
Summer's education is moving very, very fast. Script: Daphne • Art: The Huex Team • Lettering: George Zipp
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 289
Comics Fan
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2019, 09:42:28 pm » |
No one is commenting about this, hm?
Well, this is a great story and I am looking forward to hearing more. Even if I'm not sure how many mind controllers there are--the first couple of issues implied that Summer's boyfriend was MC'ing her but now I'm not sure if that's the case.
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 742
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2019, 11:26:32 pm » |
Oh hey. Didn’t have much to say before it drops.
I think I always read Chris’ intentions vis-à-vis hypnosis as largely benign, with the red (scarlet even?) dildo being the real ‘malevolent’ force. The mystery was where it came from, to which the simple answer is her mother and Clem, or whatever his name is, but there’s still a larger picture of town-level shenanigans yet to be unveiled. Assuming that’s the Oceanview on the cover, things are looking pretty dire for Summer.
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 289
Comics Fan
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2019, 04:29:56 pm » |
I think there are three mind controllers. The two different big beefy dudes (it is not helping that they're drawn to resemble each other), and Robert the boss at the restaurant. Thought at the beginning that Chris was MCing Summer but subsequent issues have thrown some doubt on that. Am also wondering how the MC is being done. It is literally something about the town? Something in the air? The only active MC'ing we've seen through nine issues is Chris hypnotizing Summer during those massages in the early issues, and now it's not even clear that's what was happening.
Hope the above doesn't sound like complaining, this comic is terrific.
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 289
Comics Fan
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2019, 02:42:16 pm » |
Summer--Chris's girlfriend, possible MC victim. Almost certainly an MC victim by issue 9, but not by Chris. Uses red dildo. Chris--Summer's boyfriend. MCer? Not sure. Nicole--Chris's coworker at art gallery. Uses red dildo. MC victim of Jake. Autumn--Summer's sister. MC victim of Robert, uses red dildo. Kurt--Chris's roommate. Robert--Autumn's boss at the restaurant. MCer, or at least knows the secret; has sex with Autumn. Pixie--Autumn and Summer's mom, apparently MC victim of Ted, helping to MC her daughters. (This is the best part!). Uses red dildo. Sarah--Chris's ex-girlfriend. Throws herself at Chris, even though she is an MC victim of Ted. Ted--Big beefy guy with crew cut. Pixie's boyfriend/MCer. Seems to exert MC power on Summer. Takes Sarah to Oceanview hotel. Jake--Big beefy guy who is unfortunately similar to Ted. Takes Nicole to Oceanview hotel. Cybele--Robert's other MC victim, works at restaurant.
The strong implication in the early issues is that Chris is hypnotizing Summer through those massage sessions but that's thrown in doubt by later issues. Summer seems halfway to getting MC'd by Ted after a single conversation. Jake--Second big beefy guy, unfortunately similar to Ted. Takes Nicole to Oceanview hotel.
Three Star Sneetch
Posts: 137
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2019, 04:34:41 am » |
If you love something, analyze it and share.
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 289
Comics Fan
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2019, 04:42:54 am » |
I guess that confirms it. The first few issues were a giant fake-out, Chris wasn't MC'ing Summer, and it's actually something about the town.
Obviously there's more to learn about this world. Why does Chris get to pick two, Robert only one, and others (like Kurt) can't pick anyone?
I hope this comic series does not end with, say, Chris getting a crisis of conscience and whisking Summer out of town. That would suck.
Meanwhile, I've driven the Pacific Coast Highway, and I sure wish I knew which town this one was!
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 742
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2019, 08:58:44 am » |
I was going to go with Homecoming. Weirdly also done with the same artist, at least initially. And before I go any further, it must be said that Sis-cest is Best-cest! Yeah, I too have more questions than answers after this chapter. Not sure what the significance of 'Closure Day' is, and how it's different from the vague, community property thing that seems to be going on already. Do the dudes with allotments get to some-manner-of-keep their selections for an entire year? Do the ladies consigned to the Oceanview get used and abused for 24 hours but are then (mostly) free to return to their lives? What's the purpose of all this, beyond just creepy small town horror stuff? Did Summer mean to go find Chris but whatever forces are at work deposited her in front of the whore-tel instead? Answers to follow! Hopefully. Eventually. ^^
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 289
Comics Fan
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2019, 05:04:50 am » |
I wonder if Chris was MCing Summer by accident, not knowing of whatever voodoo is in the air in the town.
Four Star Sneetch
Posts: 289
Comics Fan
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2020, 07:46:49 pm » |
I miss this comic. Eight long months it's been.