I have found stuff I thought was hot, and stuff I thought was a hot *idea*, but the art execution didn't quite pull it off, and stuff that was part of telling the story and which took up way too much time (not trusting the reader to get it). Here's some examples:
This is a great idea, but there's nothing that indicates to me that the girl is under any kind of compulsion other than the caption:
https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/ri/i042/. Same artist, but note: the 2 girls in the back are clearly hypnotized; the one in the front, not so much. See how tiny differences make the difference?
https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/ri/i036/. I think moving the girl in front's right eye to the right a tiny bit would've made all the difference in that image.
Compare this shot from Chrysalis 1:
https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/chrysalis/i01/p13, with pretty much anything in the last 4 issues. It's a TF + MC story, but the TF is so dominant in the art that the MC barely comes out, except in the text.
https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/piece_and_quiet_bonus/: great piece. But it took 5 of 10 pages to set it up, even though it was obvious what was going to happen after a few panels on pages 3 and 5. The 2-page MC sequence for the first girl is nice; the MC for the other 2 is a half-page, and the rest is denouement. I suggest the whole comic could've been done in 5-6 pages, or 4-5 more pages could've been devoted to enthrallment and "now what am I going to do with you 3".
I find that about 30% of the content pushes my buttons, given the total package of art + story. Usually I find the story pretty hot (and interesting *as a story*), but the art makes or breaks it as MC porn.