Don’t know how this idea got into my head, but it amused me and I fairly well had to get it down on what passes for paper these days.
<Subject looks thoughtful about the circuitry patterns underlying her prodigious, perky bosom and encircling her nipples>
Mad Scientist: Behold! My Anti-Grav Under Wire is the means by which I shall remake the world!!!
Beautiful Assistant: Doctor, you’re a genius! Never before have such large breasts been practical.
<wink to the camera>
Mad Scientist: You think me a genius now, wait until you’re not thinking at all! (no, that doesn’t quite make sense, but he
is mad...)
<dramatic button press>
<Subject looks surprised as the circuitry glows and her breasts start contra-rotating,
Private Psycho Lesson-style>
Beautiful Assistant: Daaaa~ <spiral eyes and maybe a hint of drool>
P.S. Don’t ask me how long it took to track down the name of that classic old hentai after I couldn’t remember it
Edit: My first draft of an introduction was perhaps, a little ambiguous.