I was kind of hoping Joy, Sarah, and Anne might retain some of their physical changes post-exorcism (Sarah with enhanced proportions, but before she takes on Erisa's facial appearance is probably my favourite character model from the series. Gotta love a busty goth.), but I can see why it might make sense to reverse most of the physical and mental changes between sessions. Keep suspicious low, and it keeps the feeling of the story more to the theme of sexy magic fun between friends with an MC focus, though I assume he'll probably be getting back together with Joy now.
Bethany was a nice addition in the last few chapters, and I'm glad to see she'll be joining the group permanently as Melarue.
Thanks to Daphne and Sturkwurk for a fun, sexy adventure story, which has definitely become one of my favourite on the site. I hope we see the sequel sooner rather than later