point SJI- 006 to SJI- 078 is One day
I've done some work on this so I'll add the information here too. I'm not including any of the guest artist work since there were meant to be out of time sequence.
E001-E079. This was several weeks, only because we celebrated Christmas and New Years in real time with the comic.
For the remainder, as near as I can tell, each is a day. I consider days starting when they get up rather than midnight since they seem to be up past midnight on most nights.
E079-E112, E113-E144, E145-E168, E169-E227, E228-E307, E308-E416, E417-E517, E518-E585.
The current episode is 585 and we aren't nearly finished with this night yet. As you can see, the current day is at 68 pages and the longest day in terms of episodes was 109. That was two days ago. The shorted day, not counting the Night of the Watch, was 24 Episodes and that was 7 days ago.
For completeness sake, I have these journaled in 6 volumes at this point. Volume 1 has been put out by Daphne as the Night of the Watch.
Vol 2 - E079-E168 ( 3 days )
Vol 3 - E169-E307 ( 2 days )
Vol 4 - E308-E416 ( 1 Day )
Vol 5 - E417-E517 ( 1 Day )
Vol 6 - E518-E585+ ( 1 day)
I have the guest pages in their own volume.