The suspense of
knowing there's a "happy" ending coming but
hoping for something darker has me invested in these goings-on. But I'm a weirdo, to be sure.
While reading mns's thoughts above, I also recall a scene from
Svengali where he has Trilby fully under his control (as evidenced by her walking away from her old primary romantic interest) but he yearns for something more than just gratitude and obedience. I'd prefer to think that Zenon CAN make his promise real but PREFERS to have Erin for more than just a puppet. That would require some kind of consent from the "real" her.
Different from how Decker in Amateur Night played a deeper game and completely subverted Tabitha to his cause (science) - but he wasn't in a dream world or using pink tentacles (magic).
Looking forward to (or dreading) 900 if that's the plan.