Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => By The Book => Topic started by: Daphne on April 18, 2021, 08:24:59 am

Title: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Daphne on April 18, 2021, 08:24:59 am
The girls have their new instructions…

(https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/images/by_the_book_2/i09/by_the_book_2-i09-p00.png) (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/by_the_book_2/i09/preview)

Script and Lettering: Daphne • Art: Sturkwurk

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Haight on April 21, 2021, 12:18:16 am
Welp, you know how I feel about this...

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Dr. White on April 21, 2021, 05:58:50 am
On page 11 is seems 'Irena' is hypnotizing the guy but then later it seems he has her under control.

Am I getting something wrong?

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: hereno on April 21, 2021, 07:19:47 pm
Yeah I've totally lost track of this one

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: macavity on April 22, 2021, 04:24:32 am
On page 11 is seems 'Irena' is hypnotizing the guy but then later it seems he has her under control.

Am I getting something wrong?

As far as I can see, the guy is Monty (whose face we never seem to see, and should not be confused with Craig, who has some grey hair) and it is he who asks the question about the address so he was always the one doing the hypnotising. And Monty has been hypnotised by Olivia (who he was originally hypnotising to be his sex slave, but was then taken over by ‘Master’) to walk up to any cute woman he sees and hypnotise her and implant a trigger which will turn her into a fuckdoll and then tell Olivia about her..  hence Olivia's parting comment on the previous page.
And just to make things more complicated, Francesca has now hypnotised Olivia and Charlotte and re-programmed them, and Charlotte has then re-programmed Katie, so that only she and 'a whole new Master' can hypnotise her - and appears to be getting ready to move on Nikki.
Simples, yes?

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Haight on April 22, 2021, 09:23:03 am
Yeah I've totally lost track of this one

Yeah, re-hypnotizing the girls to new masters has made the whole thing kind of pointless, and seems to focus on the fungible nature of their loyalties rather than anything else.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Daphne on April 22, 2021, 09:23:55 am
As far as I can see, the guy is Monty (whose face we never seem to see, and should not be confused with Craig, who has some grey hair) and it is he who asks the question about the address so he was always the one doing the hypnotising. And Monty has been hypnotised by Olivia (who he was originally hypnotising to be his sex slave, but was then taken over by ‘Master’) to walk up to any cute woman he sees and hypnotise her and implant a trigger which will turn her into a fuckdoll and then tell Olivia about her..  hence Olivia's parting comment on the previous page.
And just to make things more complicated, Francesca has now hypnotised Olivia and Charlotte and re-programmed them, and Charlotte has then re-programmed Katie, so that only she and 'a whole new Master' can hypnotise her - and appears to be getting ready to move on Nikki.
Simples, yes?

I have no idea why someone would think the plot of this is complicated!

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: carmel0 on April 22, 2021, 10:42:18 am
For me it's not complicated.
Just not very interesting. And this was one of your better features.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Daphne on April 22, 2021, 10:43:12 am
For me it's not complicated.
Just not very interesting. And this was one of your better features.

Aw! Well, I enjoy it, so strap in.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: carmel0 on April 22, 2021, 11:30:20 am
You know, almost all of my remarks are very positive.
I have expressed how much I like some of the stories you post like "Bigger" and "Unknown Pleasures".
I am a huge fan of "An Education".
When I request to see more of those stories, you don't reply to my remarks??
Although you did reply to my request to see a follow up to "Office Hours" (8/2017 - "Yes Definitely").
Still waiting for that.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Daphne on April 22, 2021, 11:55:31 am
You know, almost all of my remarks are very positive.
I have expressed how much I like some of the stories you post like "Bigger" and "Unknown Pleasures".
I am a huge fan of "An Education".

And I read and appreciate every single one of those comments!

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: macavity on April 22, 2021, 03:32:16 pm

Yeah, re-hypnotizing the girls to new masters has made the whole thing kind of pointless, and seems to focus on the fungible nature of their loyalties rather than anything else.

I did wonder if that was not the way it was going, but rather towards a closed loop of hypnotic control, ouroboros-like.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: crazydorian on April 22, 2021, 04:22:05 pm
I will admit that BtB2 has not been as high on my enjoyment list as BtB1, but it still has some highlights.  The fickle nature of the mind control is amusing, and Francesca is probably one of my favourite Sturkwurk's character designs.  I'm a little sad she's not in this issue.

I guess I'm saying I don't mind if not every comic on the site hits all my buttons dead center. I like some variety in the site, and By the Book might become top tier for me again depending on how the plot progresses.

I'm...interested to see if the whole 'he can't put you in a trance' actually works.  It seems like once someone succumbs, they're easier to put under each time, and it seems pretty easy to convince someone who's under of some loopholes in the commands.  Haight has a good thought there.  This might end up with everyone one, even the controllers being controller by someone else.  A sexy hypnotic Ouroboros.

If Daphne's enjoying writing it, I'm happy to be along for the ride.  Also, By the Book's already got two hypnotic mother-daughter pairs, so anything else at this point is just bonus.  ;)

Love Sherri's outfit in this issue, too. Definitely a highlight :D

Edit: Looking back on it, the early chapters of BtB1 don't really do much for me either, so I think this is just a case of some story arcs grabbing me more than others.  I'm sure it'll come around again.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Dr. White on April 22, 2021, 07:33:31 pm
I enjoy this a lot.

I just misread one page... ;D

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: seppuku on April 23, 2021, 12:45:23 am
I can see the need to change things up, so it's not just a guy serially hypnotizing people forever (though, honestly, I would enjoy that) but there is still something about it that makes me feel bad to read. Like, having an antagonist or secondary protagonist works in a literary sense, but in the space of erotica it obviously works a little differently. If you're in it for a power fantasy (which I would roughly place myself), then the feeling of disempowerment that comes from the "main guy" who was your person to project on to (being faceless) having the harem liquidated is both a turnoff and even feels shocking. A betrayal is too strong, but it's certainly not what the series has had up till this point. There's not a ton on MCC that takes this approach, really.

It might be possible for some to root for the new guy, or in an erotica sense get pleasure through him- I kind of can, but only where the groups of women don't overlap. I bet this hits more if you're more a switch or at least get off on the disempowerment, but for me it really is a hard miss. If I can get real for a sec, if there's a vulnerable part of me that pulls me towards dominant stuff like mind control in sex, and without pathologizing sexuality too much, it's likely that vulnerability is around feeling weak or out of control or otherwise disempowered. So when I say it's a miss, it's like the thing I feel insecure about in life or sex is flying back in the wind and whapping me in the face. At least a little.

All that being said, I would find it SO HOT if the the main guy "wins" after all this. Not sure it could be worth a series long tease, but I would like it.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: janxspirit on April 23, 2021, 08:37:55 pm
Whelp. I clearly need to go and reread this storyline. I lost the thread somewhere along the line.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #9
Post by: Haight on April 26, 2021, 06:21:48 pm
It might be possible for some to root for the new guy, or in an erotica sense get pleasure through him- I kind of can, but only where the groups of women don't overlap. I bet this hits more if you're more a switch or at least get off on the disempowerment

Yeah, that's the main thing for me. Especially where the main character is so blank to the point that we're supposed to project into them (which I wish there was less of, tbh, and that less of the protagonists were "generic white dude with brown hair #37"). *Part* of why I enjoy mind control is the power fantasy aspect of it, so yeah, flipping it around defeats the point. For people who put themselves into the controlee role, I could see how it would be enticing - "I'm so desirable *multiple* people want to control me!" - but that's not me, really.