Title: Unknown Pleasures #4 Post by: Daphne on August 01, 2016, 03:42:27 pm A bit more research, and some prospects are... opening up.
(http://mindcontrolcomics.com/covers/unknown_pleasures-i04-p00.jpg) Title: Re: Unknown Pleasures #4 Post by: GodWilling on August 02, 2016, 10:43:20 am .
Title: Re: Unknown Pleasures #4 Post by: Rift120 on August 03, 2016, 06:21:28 am nic eissue..
my one complaint is the cover, where the girls neck is just offcenter enough to hit UNcanny valley for me. Title: Re: Unknown Pleasures #4 Post by: GodWilling on August 03, 2016, 11:07:53 am .
Title: Re: Unknown Pleasures #4 Post by: lifmcs on August 03, 2016, 12:20:42 pm Yeah basically this ^
Like the comic and art, but the kindest thing that can be said about this cover is that it's off. I'd lay the blame at the conception / construction of her head though. There may be a normal human skull in there, but I can't see it :( |