Title: By the Book #12 Post by: Daphne on February 19, 2014, 03:51:04 pm (http://mindcontrolcomics.com/covers/by_the_book-i12-p00.jpg)
Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: laguna85 on February 19, 2014, 05:26:07 pm She became a very nice Sex slave or sex doll for her boss.
We have to wait and see what the new program have done to her and her boss. side note the links are not working right. I have do the back door use by book 11 and retype 12 in Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: Haight on February 19, 2014, 05:33:46 pm So it's not just me. Yeah, the front page isn't displaying right.
Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: Daphne on February 19, 2014, 08:56:27 pm Fixed!
Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: Haight on February 19, 2014, 11:55:51 pm Competition can push people to extreme lengths...
Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: Werdna on February 20, 2014, 07:01:08 am A bit of a set-up chapter, but still really enjoyable. I particularly like how Charlotte's single-minded dedication to her new boyfriend has combined with a new knowledge of hypnosis to complicate things. After Kayleigh last chapter, she has added another slave for herself, revealed the existence of a second book (I presume the hardcover is stronger than the paperback? It would appear so based on her takeover of Olivia.), and thrown a wrench into Mia's husband's plans. Loads of fun.
One other thing - this is still under "One-Shots, Occasionals and Short-Runs". After 12 issues released over 14 months, I don't think the series fits any of those three categories any more, unless you stretch the meaning of "occasional" to include pretty much all the comics on the site. Should this forum be moved to a more prominent location? Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: laguna85 on February 22, 2014, 11:23:19 am Art By Sturkwurk
Her close up her face and eye close wow Great Art work I alway love your work Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: sturkwurk on February 23, 2014, 07:07:00 am Thanks
Title: Re: By the Book #12 Post by: Salanar on February 25, 2014, 02:59:53 am Indeed another excellent episode