Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Saint James Infirmary => Topic started by: Daphne on May 16, 2013, 12:48:34 am

Title: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: Daphne on May 16, 2013, 12:48:34 am
Coming Friday, May 17th!

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: mns_95125 on May 17, 2013, 12:08:00 am
That was unexpected.  Accident or deliberate attack?  If the latter, by whom?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: jmundt29 on May 17, 2013, 12:10:28 am
Yikes!  Was that a near-miss, or  did her foot actually get run over?  And who is the hit-and-run driver?  Seems a little soon for their mutual acquaintance to have driven down, and the car doesn't look like it belongs to Derek or Q, and it clearly wasn't an accident.  Dani was targeted.  Might this be Rain's machinations again?  For whatever reason, it gives us an excuse to get Marli involved again.

ETA--Art indicates deliberate attack, but the car doesn't look like it would belong to Derek the Moron or Q.  I doubt this is an approach Kanti would use, and the brunette left in charge of the Harem would have to be moving very quickly to get down here this fast.

Side question--Is The Watch damaged when it breaks Dani's fall?  Could that add even MORE complications?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: kmorea on May 17, 2013, 12:40:02 am
Was that a near-miss, or  did her foot actually get run over?

Ah, go look at the last panel again. Obviously not a near miss, and nothing to do with her foot getting run over. "Eeeeeeeeee ... Thunk" Thunk as in hit hard. In fact so hard she's thrown up in the air and out of her shoes (as in potentially life threatening 'accident').  :-(

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: Werdna on May 17, 2013, 05:57:48 am
Wow.  I know that SJI has always had an undercurrent of darkness running through it - Dani's nightmares being the most obvious example - but this really looks like active malevolence.  In panel 2, it's clearly established that the three of them are walking on the shoulder of the road on the left side, from the POV of inside the car.  In panel 3, there's the shadow of the car in the background.  In panel 4, it looks as though the car actually is accelerating (kicking up a cloud of dust and/or exhaust behind it) and cutting to the left side of the road with the three of them still clearly on the shoulder.

I agree with SpaceCadet's assessment about the seriousness of the situation.  My only question (apart from who the driver is):  is the "Eeeeeeeee..." sound effect meant to be the squeal of brakes?  If it is, my guess is that this is an attempted robbery.  I think the plan would be to be going fast enough so that Dani wouldn't have time to react, slow down enough to incapacitate her (at a minimum; death is still a possibility), jump out, grab Dani (or the watch, if it has been established that she had it on her), and drive away.  So, based on that supposition, I think the driver has got to be Derek.  He would still be pissed off that he never got Danielle during the night of the watch, and he probably hates Adrian enough that this plan would bring about maximum pain.  jmundt is right about this not being Kanti's or Q's style, especially since their plan, when we last saw them, was to get into the house, not to run someone down.

I'm trying to figure out the timing of the day: Adrian has music lessons first thing, shows up at work, deals with Laura, goes back to Deep Black Vinyl, takes Erin home, gets a ride from Jacqui to the airport, meets Dani ... and, OK, with all that happening that sounds like it might be after dark already, especially given how close to the winter solstice this still is.  Kudos on the narrative timing, Daphne!

But man, we are going to a dark place as we approach the hiatus in the main plot.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: GodWilling on May 17, 2013, 11:54:48 am

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: elbenton on May 17, 2013, 02:00:13 pm
Nothing to guess about the plot here...however...minor detail...in the panel of the view from inside the car, both the speedometer and tachometer read zero.  Either the car was sitting switched off in the middle of the road...or...what?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: Daphne on May 17, 2013, 03:03:12 pm
Nothing to guess about the plot here...however...minor detail...in the panel of the view from inside the car, both the speedometer and tachometer read zero.  Either the car was sitting switched off in the middle of the road...or...what?

I distinctly see that it says a little over 40 and around 3000 RPM. :)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 189: Traffic Patterns.
Post by: Vidor on May 17, 2013, 03:18:14 pm
I swear to God, if Danielle gets killed in a vehicular collision I'm letting my subscription expire.

So I'm just going to assume that will not happen.  Yup.