Title: Terror in the Lost Colony #5 Post by: Daphne on August 05, 2010, 10:56:13 am Oh, no! Annie is in thrall to the evil Doctor! Will her companions find out? Will they be able to find the transmitter and call for help? And what's up with Charlotte's tits, anyway?
(http://mindcontrolcomics.com/covers/lost_colony-i05-p00.jpg) Coming August 22nd! Title: Re: Terror in the Lost Colony #5 Post by: robbie73_ on August 19, 2010, 08:01:33 am Wow Daphne, 2 count them 2 comics on the same day, 8/22/10, how do you do both sites???
You must be very pooped out by the time you write, shot and edit the MCT site and then you find the time to do this great site,MCC, KUDO's all around for a spectacular job!!! Title: Re: Terror in the Lost Colony #5 Post by: swan69 on August 20, 2010, 09:17:44 pm I'm very glad to see this story seems to be on a fast-track - it is my favorite so far!
Title: Re: Terror in the Lost Colony #5 Post by: robbie73_ on August 22, 2010, 09:43:07 am The "Slave Maker's Stories" continue on, with all 4 of these beauties as the "GOOD DOCTOR'S"(???) slaves, just who will SAVE these Damsels in distress?????????
Keep it cumming Daphne. |