Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Saint James Infirmary => Topic started by: Daphne on October 29, 2012, 06:57:53 pm

Title: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: Daphne on October 29, 2012, 06:57:53 pm
Coming October 30th!

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: Chettbaker on October 30, 2012, 03:42:00 am
Know your limits?  No added Raven to the happy fun harem mix.

The cursor over pic text : "They Can't hurt you now" continues with: "Because the Night" song references.

I lost track, but are there thirteen warriors I mean girls in Adrien's harem now?
Also could someone with better eyes then myself please state what is written on the calendar in the background?

Did anyone mention all of Dani's recent flying experience is a callback to the label on her panties wayyyy back in :


Remove before flight.

Sidetrack: The new airport repair job would be the perfect cover for someone to lure
Dani to a semi isolated location and kidnap her back to New York Bwawaahahaha.  which I'm sure refers to the name of the hangar, the letters on the planes and a cryptic message that a need for coffee at 6am is preventing me from seeing... Or not. Oh look! Coffee!

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: Werdna on October 30, 2012, 05:59:56 am
The calendar in the background is the same as the one in issue 79, which, if I extrapolate correctly, had the following:

January 12 - Laura Dinner
January 16 - BUY! MORE! BEER!
January 28 - Dani and Jacqui
January 31 - RENT DUE

re: January 12 and Laura - I think that's why Raven was asking "Laura?" in issue 118.

ETA: I just looked at the discussion for issue 79 and someone said it looked like "Raven Dinner" as well.  Hmmmm.

Thirteen?  I count "only" eight, and included in that is Marilese, whose status is at least questionable.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: jmundt29 on October 30, 2012, 07:31:02 am
Don't you just love how they're humoring poor Adrian? ;)  He still isn't clear about the second cohort even after "Harem Night," and they're pretending he actually has a say in this.  Hilarious.

Adrian's "harem" as of now:

1. Dani
2. Erin
3. Mallory
4. Marliese
5. Jacqui
6. Caitlyn
7. Laura
8. Amy

Yeah, I only count eight so far.

Werdna--Why is Marli's status "questionable?"  ???  We saw her cornered, we saw her hypnotized, we heard the commands, we saw the dinner favors, we heard the exclamation during the after-dinner treat.  What do you see as "in question" about her status?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: laguna85 on October 30, 2012, 07:44:18 am
1: Know your limits?  No added Raven to the happy fun harem mix.

2: I lost track, but are there thirteen warriors I mean girls in Adrien's harem now

3: Did anyone mention all of Dani's recent flying experience is a callback to the label on her panties wayyyy back in :


Remove before flight.

1: No Raven is more a girl on girl. She may keep harem girls happy

2:Did you lost track ? my count is 8 - eight  (Mallory, Danielle, Laura, Caitlyn, Erin, Jacalyn, Marliese Amy)

3:Good memory!  :o I need to go back look at some of old pages

If Laura is come for dinner and Raven is there and the perfume sample 49 is there. Himmm  ::) we may have new harem girl.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: Werdna on October 30, 2012, 08:53:41 am
jmundt - Marilese's status is questionable (to me, anyway) because of her association with Rain.  She seemed more than happy to be with Rain instead of the SJI bunch+Caitlyn.  I don't know what that means for her status within the eight.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: Chettbaker on October 30, 2012, 09:11:52 am
I only ask about the number thirteen because it seems to show up in so many stories of epic battle & adventure.

I always considered Raven to be Bi in progress.
Her fate with Erin was to get her from being Bi curious to By anything that moves.

I'm actually looking forward to some mind control that's not as polarized as Team Adrien vs Team Derek.

Love it as I do it's always good to introduce some horny I mean plucky comic relief.

Also Ravens collar and look always reminded me of Zii from the Webcomics:

Ménage a 3.


More more more !!!! :)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: GodWilling on October 30, 2012, 12:50:28 pm

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: Chettbaker on October 30, 2012, 03:04:06 pm

As I keep saying in the hope that someone's got an answer, the mystery with Claudia is why she knows the watch is in Kearsarge if she doesn't know who's got it. Dani was Derek's girlfriend and then Dr C's patient (where she pretty much stood up and said "I'm a victim of multiple mind controllers! Erm, n'est pas?") and still Claudia apparently doesn't know where the watch is.

My take:  Danielle being hypnotized by Zenon Cimaszewski occurs between sji-i015 and sji-i017
In episode 16 the dialogue is:

Zenon:  "But you've never been hypnotized before"

Danielle:  "Non doctor."

Zenon: "... Alright continue"

In this Danielle either doesn't comprehend or consider the power of the watch to be hypnosis thus her answer is honest and the doctor is in the dark about her past.  Derek also remains in the dark about Danielles history as he considers Danielle as just another sexual thrall passed on by the doctor.  Having at this point in the comic shown only an interest in fulfilling his sexual desires and making no comment such as:  "Curses! All these hot chicks distracting me from my search for the Ultimate watch of POWER! Blast and double blast! *As he shakes his fist defiantly at the heavens above!*  or showed himself to be a man carrying around a folder of gumshoe Mind control Kinsey test questions in order to track down Claudias goal.   In this regard Derek and the doctor would otherwise be known as "Those bumbling minions!"

But then again if you really wanted to cut all this short (and suspend all disbelief); The two questions the doctor would be asking:

Ever belonged to a Harem in New York? Yes? Ok then.  Got a pocket watch that doesn't belong to you?  Bingo!  or: Ok minions, keep your eyes out for these women...question them all.  Done!

So while the C&J Aviation job could be a lure, you'd have to ask how come Claudia knows what bait to use.

Perhaps Claudia got a lead  on Danielles aviation past  that she didn't pass on to the doctor or Derek.

As well it looks like a large number of  members of the New York property escaped to this tiny town (ok that's weird.. Lets all escape but to the exact same place!

Correct me if I'm wrong but was not the hypnosis process of the doctor, the event that unlocked all the suppressed memories inside Danielle that lead to the adventure of the watch in the first place.?
  She carries around mementos of her past not knowing what they are or why she still has them  then whammy! Doctor hypno and Adventure begins!  OR!!! She hides from her past and chooses this small oversexed town in New Hampshire (Whose state license plate slogan is ironically: "Live free or die") to hide out only, to be sought out by her enemies!..

PK confirmed the actual calendar entries in the forum (something like ep 86). It is "Laura dinner" (but she couldn't come), and:

Jan 2 - "Le clinique! Merci, Adrian!" [The Night of the Watch]

Thank you again, which begs the question: when will we see the SJI 2013 calender in print? All profits go to Charity of course. (Daphne just changed her middle name to Charity btw ;)

EDIT: Oh yeah - Chettbaker, in the February members' bonus, Danielle was pictured with a cat, or a kitten, or... well it was a mammal and might have been a pet.

Good stuff. 

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: GodWilling on October 30, 2012, 05:13:27 pm

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: Chettbaker on October 30, 2012, 06:21:31 pm

I have a vague theory that will cover it. But its main strength lies in its vagueness.

I'm with Goodwill on this one. lol. We got this covered.  No big deal.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: jmundt29 on October 30, 2012, 08:26:06 pm
It's possible Doc was surprised, but I don't think he put everything together.  Remember, he didn't compile his notes from that last session before he left, and the nutsery began just after that sesion ended.  Plus, I think you're right.  Dani asked for permission to do what he'd have instructed her to do anyway, based on the session we say with Caitlyn.

As for her connection to Derek--whatever it was, however long it lasted, I'm willing to put this down to Derek's horny incompetence.  After all, when we first meet Dani, she just quit her job as a stripper.  I can see Derek sneaking into her place of work, enjoying her performance, and deciding to try his luck (even without Dr. C.'s advantage).  That seems like a very Derek thing to do, doesn't it? ;)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: GodWilling on October 31, 2012, 04:12:45 pm

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: mns_95125 on October 31, 2012, 06:05:22 pm
Am I the only one who found Adrian's response to Erin's question in the final panel to be a bit odd?  It really looked to me as though Erin was asking "Do you want to add Raven to the harem?"  Adrian's reply wasn't a categorical "No, don't add anybody to the harem"; I almost got the impression he'd be OK with expanding it, just not with Raven.  And that would be a bit of a change from his initial reaction on discovering that the others had been mind controlled into being his slaves; it would also be inconsistent with my "there's no reversing this so you might as well live with it" theory of his behavioral change.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: GodWilling on October 31, 2012, 06:52:38 pm

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: jmundt29 on November 01, 2012, 11:04:17 am
Frankly, it looks like liar's poker.  He's playing it cool, but concerned about the other shoe dropping, and Erin is humoring him by pretending to ask his permission to expand the harem.  He's hoping he can prevent expansion because they'll keep asking and Erin's keeping him under control by giving him the illusion of choice.  It's actually a little subersive of the model you'd have thought we were working with.  Quite interesting.

I have to ask, what about what I said in my last post triggered a Eureka moment for you?  The quote you have doesn't appear to have any connection to the conlcusions you drew (interesting) or your underlying reasoning (seemingly sound).

ETA--it should be noted that it didn't appear that Derek received any instructions or communicated with anyone but Amy's sister from the time he got bandaged up to the time he lost the hypno tango to Adrian.  Furthermore, no one called with new instructions when he went on his spree with the girls he'd previously hypnotized + Amy.  I think Dr. C was still compiling his notes when Derek was foiled.  If he received any instructions, it should have been after he got Amy and Laura and before his phone call to Cait, but it seems that the Doc was already out of town by then.  It's entirely possible that without Amy around, the usual mechanics of the Doc's system couldn't have worked because he didn't communicate with Derek directly.  The only line of direct communication we see is Claudia to the Doc.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 129: A Bientot
Post by: GodWilling on November 02, 2012, 01:59:48 pm