Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Saint James Infirmary => Topic started by: Daphne on September 13, 2012, 09:54:46 am

Title: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Daphne on September 13, 2012, 09:54:46 am
Coming September 14th!

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: laguna85 on September 13, 2012, 10:57:56 am
so we get the Debriefing
or  Rain and Marliese
Amy , Jaqualyn and Laura
 that Adrian get down to it and give it out to Mallory Danielle , Caitlyn and most of Erin.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: jmundt29 on September 13, 2012, 02:39:35 pm
Hey, there might actually be police in Kearsage.  Wow.

Or, we could have a clever pun referring to....well

It could work for Kanti and Querek, it could work for the gathering with Jacqui, Laura, and Amy, it could be the continuation of Adrian's harem adventure (though frankly no one's wearing anything there right now).  It could be the continuation of Marliese and Rain, or we could actually meet Jacqui's ex (Pearl's father, not the ex-con) or Zenon's boss (now THAT might be interesting).

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: mns_95125 on September 13, 2012, 06:18:16 pm
Seriously, have we seen *anyone* recently in this comic who was wearing underwear?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Daphne on September 13, 2012, 06:41:38 pm
Seriously, have we seen *anyone* recently in this comic who was wearing underwear?

PK will be very happy to hear you say that. :)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: jmundt29 on September 13, 2012, 08:15:54 pm
We've been more than happy to observe it.  But it does make the possible use of the title as a pun...problematic.  ;)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Prezfevr18 on September 14, 2012, 12:05:32 am
most recently on page 105, which with this present, and now expected to be permanent, update schedule for SJI was not that long ago.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: laguna85 on September 14, 2012, 12:47:06 am
So Derek Job was to find girl that have the watch
he can have the sex slave
he was the exboyfriend of Danielle that had the watch
so the doctor and this person is in togetter.
all there plands went up with Adrian

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Rift120 on September 14, 2012, 03:45:41 am
NOw the question is, do they know who has the watch. Or was Derek to busy being a poor cheesy hypnotist to get the interrogation part done and was still looking?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Werdna on September 14, 2012, 05:58:53 am
A necessary break from the weeks of amazing hotness, but this episode was excellent for allowing a whole bunch of hitherto unclear things to fall into place, like why and how Derek knew how to use Dr. Cimasewski's triggers, why he had the reputation of working his way through all the women in town alphabetically, and why he left town so suddenly instead of confronting Adrian, or trying to get Danielle back, or any other kind of response other than running away.

It also clarifies that the watch is indeed central to the plans of the current villains.  Of course, it raises the question of whether the villains knew Danielle had the watch, whether Danielle even knew she had the watch prior to her hypnosis session (was it placed with her for safekeeping, and knowledge of its existence kept even from her, for example? She didn't know what the watch was when she was brought out of her trance by Adrian.)  There are lots of other questions too, but they are all new questions rather than rehashing of old ones.

Great job, as always.

EDITED TO ADD:  I suppose Derek is happy that his nose suffered no lasting repercussions from the repeated trauma it suffered earlier.  I was hoping it had been broken that second time (though I know it was established during an early strip that Jacqui didn't break it, though he went to Student Health to get it bandaged.  We didn't see what happened after Adrian slammed the door on him.)

On another note: I was drawn to MCC by reading SJI at the mcforum, and I bought a 6-month subscription on the strength of that.  I have been so very impressed by the site's offerings that, as my subscription runs out today, I will renew for a full year.  This is not only on the strength of SJI (though the daily issues at the end of August, and now the twice-weekly issues are certainly great), but also on the other comics available - in particular, Beyond Rubies and Hidden Knowledge.  Great job to all of you.  My only regret is that I didn't sign up in time for the SJI members' bonus in February.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: jmundt29 on September 14, 2012, 06:50:55 am
This is definitely interesting.  I didn't even notice the alphabetical association with Amy Cait and Dani--but it seems he couldn't even get that right.  He didn't follow any sort of rigorous schedule or proceed in any sort of order.  He made a multitude of mistakes.

1. He targeted at least two women before they ever met Zenon

A. Danielle--with limited success and
B. Jacqui--with zero success ;D

2. To all appearances, he didn't actually glean any information from the woman that he was able to use Zenon's triggers on.  He didn't know about Amy's twin, or Laura's chem work (and it would seem Laura's chem work would be at least interesting to Claudia and Zenon).

And of course, most importantly, he never saw the watch.

Future entries (like Tuesday and next Friday) will hopefully let us know if he even found out that Dani was the one who had the watch and knew (or used to know) how to use it.  I tend to lean toward "No," since he would have spent most of his time targeting Dani and her housemates if he'd been at all competent.  Then again, see above. :)

All of which leads me to this question--Whose moronic son or nephew is he?  He doesn't seem to have a personal relationship with either Claudia or Zenon.  Which one of Claudia's network had enough clout (or loyal service) and enough blind family pride to recommend Derek for this job?  ???

This interrogation raises all sorts of interesting questions about Claudia's plot, her designs on the watch, her previous knowledge of it, and her real end game.  Let's start with something simple.  Can we shift perspective so we can see what she looks like? ;)  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: laguna85 on September 14, 2012, 09:30:09 am
Danielle was sex slave or in a harem in New york
she was hypnosis  a lot in her life time.
being hypnosis she remember she control of the girls and use the watch to make them into a sex slave in new york
the watch was with Danielle for safe keep.

When the Doctor hypnosis Danielle  it all came back to her and hypnosis her house mate for Adrian.

Derek was ex-boyfriend of Danielle How he did not that she had the watch?

Now the watch have a back history like Hidden Knowledge and the book

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: GodWilling on September 14, 2012, 01:28:49 pm

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: jmundt29 on September 14, 2012, 01:48:57 pm
I'm thinking Zenon was given the big picture but not the specifics about the Watch and Derek has the hunt for the watch, but not the big picture.  I don't think this is a BR field test gone awry, it could be that Kuppler & Sons made THE watch generations ago for a collector and the watch disappeared into the ether and now Claudia Kupler (having previously been through education at Wilmot and aware of the possibilities of an MC program) is hunting down her family's greatest creation to put it to nefarious uses within a broader plan.  She tracks the Watch to a New York harem and realizes that one of the harem members has it and that person has gone to Wilmot (her old stomping grounds) but she doesn't have an exact description of the girl who has it.  Zenon is an underling and a specialist in hypnotherapy, but because of his talents, she doesn't want him anywhere near The Watch in case he might be tempted to use it himself.  She tasks Derek the Moron (though gracious knows why she decided to use HIM) to recover the Watch using the Doc's methods and trigger as an icebreaker as "part of a project to see how effective hypnosis can be" (that's the part she tells the doc anyway which is why he gives all his female patients the same trigger so the secondary operator's job will be easier).  Predictably, Derek loses focus and accomplishes next to none of his objectives--and word of his bungling filters back to the Doc through Amy.  Zenon reports the disaster to Claudia (by phone, we actually saw his half of that converstion after he dialed the Manhattan area code).  Claudia summons Derek the Moron for, at minimum, a severe tongue lashing and reassignment.  And here we are.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Daphne on September 14, 2012, 01:52:08 pm
I have to say, and I am certain I speak for PK and Octavia in this, that reading discussion like this is just about the most fun a creator can have... thank you, everyone!

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Werdna on October 19, 2012, 08:25:19 am
I just noticed this, weeks later:  the model airplane here has Canadian call letters (C-JAKB).  I don't know if there's any significance beyond the implication of Danielle's previous presence there.  Even if not, I have to commend you again for your attention to detail.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: jmundt29 on October 19, 2012, 10:12:25 am
Totally went past me.  Might it be one of the trophies Claudia inherited from the previous master of the harem, or an indication that her family does/did business with the Canadian military?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: GodWilling on October 20, 2012, 01:55:55 am

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: mns_95125 on October 20, 2012, 08:56:21 am
And it appears that Claudia may have been in the "New York harem" with Danielle.

Claudia was definitely in the harem with Danielle.  If you go back to #53, where Danielle is showing the photographs of the NY Harem to Jacqui, you can see names on the various photos.  One of them is Claudia.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: jmundt29 on October 20, 2012, 07:02:16 pm
Claudia's assistants/playmates were also members of the New York Harem contemporaneously with Claudia and Claudia and Dani.  Daphne confirmed their identies as Meghan and Echo (also listed with photos in that database Dani showed Jacqui before pulling out The Watch).

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: GodWilling on October 21, 2012, 04:32:27 am

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: laguna85 on October 21, 2012, 05:11:55 pm
But has Daphne confirmed that the Claudia in the photo on the computer is the same Claudia? I assume that she is but I didn't think we knew it to be a fact.

I think that Daphne or we ask she yes that Claudia on the computer.

May be Claudia is after the red book?
It may have all the names of woman that is or was a New York harem  sex slave

# 30

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: GodWilling on October 22, 2012, 04:55:44 pm

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: Werdna on October 23, 2012, 06:02:12 am
I think that someone (Werdna?) asked if the assistants were called Meghan and Echo.

Yeah, that was me.  I have to tell you, it made my week to be told a little while later by the author not only that I was correct, but that I had 'good eyes'.  ;D No higher compliment possible, coming from someone who has created a world with so much detail.

I can't imagine that the Claudia in the harem pictures is not the Claudia in Debriefing 2, even though it wasn't directly confirmed, if for no other reason than having two brunettes of the same dimensions associated with the same harem, both named Claudia, would feel like a contrivance - especially in a comic that (as we have come to find out) lays out all sorts of clues and foreshadowing in the background right from the get go.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 114: Debriefing, 1
Post by: GodWilling on October 23, 2012, 11:48:27 am