Title: Theories on "The Big Day Approaches" Post by: Sharque on December 22, 2024, 12:24:34 pm Does anyone have any ideas as to what the current tagline for the comic means? It's been this way since the Volume 15 cover was posted a few years ago, but I'm curious as to what it's referencing
Title: Re: Theories on "The Big Day Approaches" Post by: jwik01 on December 23, 2024, 09:13:11 am Once upon a time the harem were practicing their pole dancing for a show they'd booked weeks or months in the future, and with the timeline as decompressed as it is I assume that show hasn't happened yet so maybe that?
(this is where someone points me to the comic where it happened like three years ago) Title: Re: Theories on "The Big Day Approaches" Post by: GodWilling on December 23, 2024, 03:23:22 pm I might be wrong but I think the tagline actually changed to that when cover 12 was published (over five years ago), which is the one of the women performing at some kind of pole dancing club. Mallory's calendar in 79 seemed to indicate that Dani and Jacqui are due to perform at Sawyer's on Saturday, 28th January. The chronology would suggest that that is still several days away. As I think we've been in the current day for over 450 pages, that's quite some way off. (We must surely be past midnight now, but essentially I think we're still in the same day that started in 992, although that includes the lengthy eighties flashback. I think covers 13-18 have all been in this day.)
I suspect though that the big day is really the day of the showdown with Jakob. Whether that would be followed by some celebratory pole dancing, I wouldn't like to guess. EDIT: It seems that cover 12 went up on January 20th 2018, so that was nearly 7 years ago. I made reference to "the big day approaches" back in the thread for #1000 in October 2020, when cover 12 was still current, so I think I'm right that the tagline appeared with that cover. |