Title: Minor question for Daphne that's more industry than site-related... Post by: crazydorian on September 19, 2024, 08:24:44 am Posting in the forum in case other folks find this useful.
I'm friends with another adult writer, and had mentioned that Daphne (usually via the MCTheatre twitter) occasionally posts really interesting things about changing regulations and laws affecting adult creators/sites. I know there's also interesting stuff about the film production side too, though that doesn't crossover with my friend's work. She was wondering if there was a good news source to follow (or social media feeds, etc) to keep up on those things, since she finds she has to just piece information together on her own. I said I would ask, and pass the answer along if you are able to offer any tips. If not, no worries at all. I know you're busy bringing us all this excellent erotica. Title: Re: Minor question for Daphne that's more industry than site-related... Post by: Daphne on September 19, 2024, 10:16:41 am Good question!
The best sources of reliable information are: 1. The Free Speech Coalition: https://www.freespeechcoalition.com. It's definitely worth being on their mailing list. 2. XBiz is much more of an industry-promotion organization, but their newsletters can at least alert you to things: https://www.xbiz.com The social media situation is in flux right now. X-formerly-Twitter is falling apart, and it's almost not worth wading into now. No other social media system has replaced it for adult yet, either because of lack of critical mass of customers+producers, or because of active porn bans. Title: Re: Minor question for Daphne that's more industry than site-related... Post by: crazydorian on September 19, 2024, 10:42:01 am Thanks Daphne! I appreciate all the info. I will pass that along and take a look myself, just because I'm sure it will be interesting.