Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Saint James Infirmary => Topic started by: Daphne on August 26, 2024, 06:59:09 am

Title: Saint James Infirmary #1418: “YOLO”
Post by: Daphne on August 26, 2024, 06:59:09 am
(https://mindcontrolcomics.com/media/comics_promos/sji/sji-i1418.jpg) (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/sji/i1418/preview)

Script: Daphne • Line Art: Plutonian Knight • Colors and Lettering: Octavia Moon

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary #1418: “YOLO”
Post by: macavity on August 27, 2024, 06:27:17 am
(https://mindcontrolcomics.com/media/comics_promos/sji/sji-i1418.jpg) (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/sji/i1418/preview)

Script: Daphne • Line Art: Plutonian Knight • Colors and Lettering: Octavia Moon
It has the 1417 header (number and title). Nice cheerful episode though!

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary #1418: “YOLO”
Post by: lancehunter on August 27, 2024, 12:41:18 pm
I was about to say, it's been a while since we had a "hey, let's have some fun!" issue.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary #1418: “YOLO”
Post by: crazydorian on August 28, 2024, 04:40:14 pm
SJI version of the classic Ghostbusters line...

"If someone asks if you want to fuck a god, you say yes!"  ;)