Title: HMB? Post by: onyxghoul on August 24, 2024, 02:21:53 am I originally found this site through HMB's work, and they're definitely my favorite artist, but the last few years have seen very little beyond the sketchbooks (of which I have purchased all of) (even the preg one, which is not my particular kink, but hey, I'm not judging). Was wondering if there are any plans for future issues, since many of the titles are left unfinished.
Title: Re: HMB? Post by: Daphne on August 24, 2024, 06:27:46 am I originally found this site through HMB's work, and they're definitely my favorite artist, but the last few years have seen very little beyond the sketchbooks (of which I have purchased all of) (even the preg one, which is not my particular kink, but hey, I'm not judging). Was wondering if there are any plans for future issues, since many of the titles are left unfinished. Yes! Title: Re: HMB? Post by: onyxghoul on August 25, 2024, 04:53:44 pm Excellent! I went through some ratings on recent SJI issues. Just one person's opinion. But I am glad the Miriam arc is wrapping up