Title: Terror in the Lost Colony #3 Post by: Daphne on July 13, 2010, 04:07:29 pm What horrible torments is Charlotte being subjected to? What is the Doctor's diabolical plan for the girls? And when will they be able to get dressed again?
(http://mindcontrolcomics.com/covers/lost_colony-i03-p00.jpg) Coming July 25th! Title: Re: Terror in the Lost Colony #3 Post by: Maegis42 on July 25, 2010, 10:55:59 am The last two "Terror" updates have been about three frames shorter than the average update...which is really my only complaint. Give us a bit more "Terror" each update. The art is good, and so's the plot, so far. I enjoyed the suggestibility shown near the end, when the girl asked "Are we spies?"