Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => By The Book => Topic started by: Daphne on December 31, 2023, 02:55:40 pm

Title: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: Daphne on December 31, 2023, 02:55:40 pm
Where has everyone gone?

(https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/images/by_the_book_2/i13/by_the_book_2-i13-p00.png) (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/by_the_book_2/i13/preview)

Script and Lettering: Daphne • Art: Sturkwurk

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: Ghisario on December 31, 2023, 03:23:55 pm
An exciting new chapter of by the book to start 2024!  :o

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: crazydorian on January 10, 2024, 08:24:59 am
Enjoyed the new entry, as it's always fun to see. I'm not sure if we've seen Leslie before (the cast has gotten so big), but I like her design, and Francesa programming women is consistently hot.

I've voiced my thoughts on some of the direction in previous entries, so I won't rehash things. Suffice it to say though, I always enjoy By the Book when it makes an appearance, regardless of any minor personal preferences :)

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: macavity on January 10, 2024, 08:47:35 am
I'm not sure if we've seen Leslie before (the cast has gotten so big), but I like her design

Leslie appears in Part 11 (with backstory).

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: crazydorian on January 10, 2024, 02:17:03 pm
Leslie appears in Part 11 (with backstory).
Oh, yeah. There we go.  In my defense, even though it was only two parts previous, that was a year and a half ago ;)

Edit: I notice checking back in the last few issues, I see Charlotte left H with Jane and Thena last issue, but now she seems to start back with him picking up where she left off just before that bit in issue 12, telling him his new fantasy. Gave me pause in the re-read, but I assume we're just flashing back to it now because it's more relevant.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: Bakeacake on January 11, 2024, 06:21:16 am
I'm not sure if we've seen Leslie before (the cast has gotten so big), but I like her design

Leslie appears in Part 11 (with backstory).

I am very confused. On page 17 of part 11, it specifically mentions that Leslie was Craig's Ex. How did she suddenly become Jeremy's ex? Page 21 of part 10 and page 1 of book 11 mentions a girl named Cathy being Jeremy's ex instead.

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: snivgrits on January 13, 2024, 03:04:29 pm
Pretty soon every good looking woman you meet will be part of your harem by some degree of separation.

"It's like the Social Security Administration, but its purpose is to keep track of the MC's slaves."

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: Goyg48 on February 03, 2024, 01:05:33 am
is there a chance the MC will comeback and break free from spell? i Hope so  :'(

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #13
Post by: snivgrits on May 12, 2024, 01:10:52 pm
is there a chance the MC will comeback and break free from spell? i Hope so  :'(

I don't know. It seems like in Book 2 the main character has passed the torch to another lucky soul.