Title: The hypnotic Brothel Post by: Michael Moorman on June 06, 2012, 01:36:56 pm What about this organization is turning women that don't want to do adult work into women that all that they want to do 24/7 the hypnotic brothel. Some is using a clothering store just for ladies store clothering but there more to this store then it appear.
Mistress of the store herself looking for women and hypnotizing them in the dressing room and then they just disappear out of the store and into personal strip each woman. This is just some what I ideal I got from this sister site mindcontroltheatre.com it just ideal. This can push for something like I had in mind or not just sound good to me. But with a different storyline. Title: Re: The hypnotic Brothel Post by: strdnc1 on July 17, 2012, 11:06:05 pm this sounds like brothel from the MCtheater and I would be interested in seeing it in comic form expanded to explore earlier recruits developing there control program and other girls during the hours not at the brothel after there conversion