Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Bearing Gifts => Topic started by: Daphne on July 07, 2010, 08:50:10 pm

Title: Bearing Gifts
Post by: Daphne on July 07, 2010, 08:50:10 pm
Mark and David are visiting a hypnotized, brainwashed prostitute… but what’s happening to David’s girlfriend Rowan while they’re having their way with the hooker?


Coming July 18th!

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: robbie73_ on July 11, 2010, 11:09:25 pm
The cover looks GREAT!!!  If the story is like the cover and synopsis, IT'S ANOTHER WINNER FOR MCC!!!

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: master on July 18, 2010, 08:43:22 pm
One of the best things on the site so far. But please,even as the acclaim rolls in for this story, don't you dare give in to pressure to sequelize. Like i said in the sequelitis post, no need to gild the lily!

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: robbie73_ on July 18, 2010, 10:33:38 pm
GREAT STORY!!! Great Art Work, It's too bad this is only a "One Shot", 1 issue comic, would have liked to have seen just who else this guy turned into his "Sexrobots", maybe a Mother/Daughter combo, an Ex girlfriend, a couple of co-workers, who knows only our Hypnotist/Robot maker!!

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: Rodimus on July 20, 2010, 01:59:28 am
i agree would make a great series

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: nemovoid on July 22, 2010, 05:12:57 pm
Very nice! I don't know I'd make a direct sequel with the same characters, but I'd welcome seeing what else the intrepid Bertram has been up to!  :)

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: hypnoime on July 27, 2010, 09:56:31 pm
This is a movie that you guys has to make!!!

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: bacchus68 on July 28, 2010, 07:45:07 am
yes I l;iked this comic as well. A lesbian follow up would be cool :)


Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: stretchgilbert on August 03, 2010, 12:24:51 pm
This  comic was a dream come true. I disagree with those who say u should not sequelize this story. Maybe the law comes after the hypnotist and he brings a police woman into the fold. Or he gets interrupted programing one of the girls by a younger sister and programs both. The possibilities r endless. Just think about it

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: robbie73_ on August 08, 2010, 10:32:09 am
Daphne, Even if you do not continue this story right away, you could still continue it say every 2 months or so.

I know that that furtile mind of your's has another couple of chapters of "Bearing Gifts" stored away, just waiting to be brought to"life" for all of us to see!!

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: stretchgilbert on September 12, 2010, 02:03:22 pm
Thankyou For Double Vision. It Is My Second Favorite Bearing Gifts Is My First I Love This Premise And Hope That You Continue To Add To These Stories

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: hypnoime on September 26, 2010, 09:09:50 am
Daphne:  the story of bearing gifts is my favorite, please continue with the saga, we still want more chapters of this marvellous

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: Michael Moorman on October 10, 2010, 08:19:43 am
  I would like to see todays storyline the wedding planner I can't see it yet

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: sturtles on October 15, 2010, 09:50:23 pm
Hi Daphne,

Just joined your comic site..

Would like to thank you and the artists for bringing the story to life, especially, the realistically modeled characters in Bearing Gifts - Part 1.

This is the best story on your site, and it has a very simple storyline, but contains fantasies which many guys can only dream for.

The parts 2-4 are not bad, but do hope you can further develop part-1.

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: sturtles on October 17, 2010, 05:55:24 pm
Wow, goodie..

Part 5 has been posted.

Could the artists let the characters wear black stockings? That would be nice to see... not sure if it would add too much work?


Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: Luke345 on October 17, 2010, 09:29:01 pm
Part 5 has been posted.

I like part 5!  Definitely like the impreg theme!

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: sturtles on October 17, 2010, 10:43:37 pm
Hmm... Just thought of a suggestion..

Perhaps Rowan in Chapter 1 still remains chaste, though all process women wears something eg. stockings at all times unknowningly and continues to rejects the boyfriend's certain advances, and was dropped home, but a knowing friend pops by and turns her.. She starts to make up/dress sexy and talk dirty etc.

This repeats day after day.

Soon more and more wife/girlfriends falls under betram's spell, and this friend runs around turning people around.

Reminds me of a story by simon say's or downing street.. Guess I got my idea from slave pit as well

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: stretchgilbert on February 09, 2011, 08:10:05 am
The New Bearing Gifts Comic Is Great! I Love This Series ! I see There's A Sista That Mom Is Inviting In Can't Wait To See What Happens Next

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: sturtles on February 10, 2011, 05:34:58 pm
Yea, Its fantastic!

Love the script writers and the artists for part 6.

Just do more like these and I'll pay for them

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: devilhell on October 25, 2011, 07:22:18 pm
Wow, I love it, congratulations to the artists!
I love the incest theme (sorry I have not seen much around here). I would love that Bryan had sex with her own mother, that would be the maximum.  ;D

Once again congratulations! ;)

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: sturtles on November 02, 2011, 04:11:07 pm
Mark and David are visiting a hypnotized, brainwashed prostitute… but what’s happening to David’s girlfriend Rowan while they’re having their way with the hooker?

Coming July 18th

Hi Daphne, i subscribed to your site mainly because of bearing gifts - chapter 1. It's a good story with well drawn art and a good costume set.

Sadly, the subsequent chapters did not manage to make the mark.

With the stoppage of this series, I guess I'll have to wait out till the next good story comes along before renewal.

All the best with the return of your site

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: Daphne on November 03, 2011, 12:51:26 pm
With the stoppage of this series, I guess I'll have to wait out till the next good story comes along before renewal.

Wow, BR1 is the only good story on the entire site? That's picky. :)

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: devilhell on March 15, 2012, 02:58:06 am
The 11 is predictable and dull.  :-\

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: BorisL on March 16, 2012, 07:27:57 am
Can I just say thank you to Daphne for restoring the ability to download full episodes? I've updated all the serials I'm following and loaded them onto my iPad which makes me HAPPY!

And although the latest 'Bearing Gifts' is very much the formula as before and I can't praise it for innovation or anything, I find that the formula as before still gets me going... Which is something to be thankful for especially at my age.

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: Daphne on March 16, 2012, 11:18:48 am
The 11 is predictable and dull.  :-\

Oh, bite me.

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: elbenton on March 16, 2012, 04:46:35 pm
The 11 is predictable and dull.  :-\

Oh, bite me.

Or. as my brother used to yell at other drivers who pissed him off; "You like fruit?  Take a bite of my ass, it's a real peach!"

Title: Re: Bearing Gifts
Post by: doctorx on June 08, 2022, 01:23:08 pm
Well, I think Beatriz's induction in #9 is the hottest one you've ever written.