Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Saint James Infirmary => Topic started by: Daphne on January 27, 2022, 01:02:31 am

Title: Saint James Infirmary #1129: “Gift Economy”
Post by: Daphne on January 27, 2022, 01:02:31 am
(https://mindcontrolcomics.com/media/comics_promos/sji/sji-i1129.jpg) (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/sji/i1129/preview)

Script: Daphne • Line Art: Plutonian Knight • Colors and Lettering: Octavia Moon

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary #1129: “Gift Economy”
Post by: GodWilling on January 28, 2022, 12:46:24 pm
If these pages are a representation of suggestions being given to Kanti, then Laura may make sense. Laura was of interest to Vik, of course, but I'm hoping this doesn't mark his return.

My hope when this started was that she was being abducted by either Yves or Sawyer (most likely represented by Hans [Dirty]). Just before Vik was taken by the blood monster, he seemed to be selling Laura to someone. Possibly they were interested in her because she can make Pink Clouds. In that case they're probably still interested in her.

So the interested party might abduct Kanti, tell her that her boyfriend would like a threesome with a compliant Laura and that she (Kanti) wants to oblige him, and send her off with the means to bring such a gift to him. (It's probably not intentional but Q looks a little less like Q to me in these pages and a little more like Sawyer.) Why use Kanti? Maybe because she's Q's girlfriend. Yves knows about the antidote and who has had it, but Sawyer may not.