Title: Penelope #14 Post by: Daphne on June 08, 2020, 12:02:03 am (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/media/comics_promos/pen/pen-i014.jpg) (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/pen/i014/preview)
Script: Daphne • Inks: Plutonian Knight • Colors: Maksim Strelkov • Lettering: Hellica Title: Re: Penelope #14 Post by: Haight on June 08, 2020, 10:14:31 am Wonderful! More dystopian robot stories.
Title: Re: Penelope #14 Post by: Geo on June 08, 2020, 07:20:43 pm M=How can we be sure they haven't all been mind controlled into believing they are robots?
Title: Re: Penelope #14 Post by: grimtidings on June 11, 2020, 02:00:15 pm My hope is that all of this is building the groundwork for a great character-driven mind control story.
Getting only 4 pages at a time does make it slow and I haven't found anyone to identify with yet but it is an interesting world with a logical foundation I can get into. It looks like AI's here are considered objects but are in the uncanny valley in terms of sentience - much to the chagrin of humanity at large. Eamon, obviously, values them as "people" and treats them in accordance with that belief. For my darker angels that opens the door for exploring the nature of free will. These ladies are obviously machines but maybe we're getting a setup for someone who ISN'T one but has been programmed like one? Or perhaps the "humanity" of one of our beloved characters will be stripped away in a horrifying show of force? Or maybe I'm just jazzing myself up for a Van Pelting. :) Also, I read Questionable Content (https://questionablecontent.net/) where AI's are part of the fabric of society. A darker exploration of that symbiosis is appealing. Title: Re: Penelope #14 Post by: rdaneel on June 11, 2020, 08:26:17 pm Argh! Another cliffhanger.
But the art is great as always. And the story is moving forward, with more of the past revealed! Thanks so much for the update. :) Title: Re: Penelope #14 Post by: crazydorian on June 12, 2020, 11:45:30 pm Always a treat when Penelope shows up