Mind Control Comics Forum

The Bullpen => Site Questions and Problems => Topic started by: Daphne on October 23, 2011, 11:47:32 am

Title: Our Stuff on Other Sites
Post by: Daphne on October 23, 2011, 11:47:32 am

There have been some questions (hi, Robbie!) about our work being posted on other sites.

The only comic that's been released elsewhere is Saint James Infirmary. It's been posted on the Mind Control Forum (http://mcforum.net) and the Hypno-Pics Collective (http://hypnopics-collective.net/), delayed by 20-some issues. We've been doing this (on the MCF) for nearly a year now, and it's been very good marketing for MCC. There's a simple way of telling that it's authorized: I'm the one posting it there! :)

No other comic has been authorized for release, so if you see another complete comic of ours somewhere, please let me know via email or private message. Please don't post it here; we don't want the Forum to be a one-stop shop to find pirated versions of our comics!

All of the artists are authorized, as part of their contract, to post pages from the comics they do for us to their portfolio. This is completely standard and OK with us. Don't panic. Ask me (via email or PM) if you have a question.

We widely post the covers of issues to promote MCC. You've never had to be a member of MCC to get the covers, and we've been doing this since the site started.

We're also doing art that is specifically intended to be posted widely to advertise MCC. These aren't standard comics pages. It's OK. Again, if you see something MCC-related and are curious if it is authorized, email or PM me.

And thank you to everyone who saw a pirated version of one of our comics and came here to sign up! You help restore my faith in humanity.