Title: A Pair of Ideas Post by: vice63 on August 01, 2018, 05:40:47 pm Not that you don't have an over-abundance of titles already.
'Perchance to Dream': Some young lovelies get an unexpected package in the mail, the 'Somoneron 2000' white-noise generator and sleep-aid. An included card explains that they have been given the opportunity to participate in the trials of a revolutionary new sleep aid aid; guaranteed to help the user get a more restful and restorative sleep. Yeah, we know where this is going right. A good opportunity to write and illustrate some freakish dream sequences: 'ravished by a pinata while riding on a train with Mark Twain and the Easter Bunny'. 'Tiffany Allan: Ace Reporter and the Mad Monk!': I think LeMay would be a good match for this. The style/setting is pulp/Jazz Age (Doc Savage/Brenda Star/The Shadow). This title character is a daring reporter, investigating tales of socialites being drawn into a strange cult-group. Our intrepid reporter discovers that there is a sinister figure behind these lurid reports: a eerie mesmerist calling himself 'Rasputin'! Will our reporter bring this depraved fiend to justice? Or will she join his growing ranks of enthralled disciples? (Somehow I suspect the latter!) Title: Re: A Pair of Ideas Post by: Geo on August 01, 2018, 07:02:17 pm You'll need to tweak the name of the first one a bit. (https://mcstories.com/Perchance/index.html)