Mind Control Comics Forum

The Bullpen => Site Questions and Problems => Topic started by: Tony on September 01, 2017, 01:02:15 pm

Title: Main Site isn't Centered
Post by: Tony on September 01, 2017, 01:02:15 pm
I have a VERY wide screen that I browse with. Normally when a site doesn't fill the window from side to side, it centers itself in the window. That usually puts it in the middle of my screen.

The forums display full width and always have. The main site is now adjusted to the left of the window and takes up maybe a 1/3 of it.

It would be much better if you could center the site if the window is too large for the site.


Title: Re: Main Site isn't Centered
Post by: Skyrender on September 01, 2017, 02:07:49 pm
Yeah, similar deal here.