Mind Control Comics Forum

Artist's Alley => Requests / Suggestions / Ideas => Topic started by: robbie73_ on December 16, 2010, 03:38:53 pm

Title: Hypno Recipe Book
Post by: robbie73_ on December 16, 2010, 03:38:53 pm
Daphne, Here's an idea that may make it into a comic, How about an average looking guy or girl(can work both ways) going to the library and finding a book of "Hypno/Mind Control" recipe's and as in "Pumpkins" bakes up some cookies, cakes,candy etc for all the girls/guys he/she wants to enslave??

Might work, hope so Daphne.

A very Merry Christmas or whatever you, Henri and the whole gang at both Mind Control Theater/Comics celebrate as well as a Joyus New Year's!!!