Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Saint James Infirmary => Topic started by: Daphne on July 16, 2015, 12:04:45 pm

Title: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: Daphne on July 16, 2015, 12:04:45 pm

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: macavity on July 16, 2015, 01:40:48 pm
If that's a reference to the 'fully supported journey of a lifetime on a road bike spanning 1,400 miles from Austin, Texas to Denver, Colorado, September 6th - September 20th, 2015 ' in support of '1400 Miles, a non-profit that probes the conversation on prostate health', am I allowed to hope that no-one extant in the series actually has prostrate cancer (although I might make an exception for Jakob German-for-pimp).

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: jmundt29 on July 16, 2015, 02:07:18 pm
Or Patrick depending on how ugly his reaction to the news he was about to be a father twice was.

Question--Is Adrian the same age as Pearl or a year older?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: GodWilling on July 16, 2015, 02:26:34 pm
Perhaps someone is sleepless.

(They're the same age.)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: Daphne on July 16, 2015, 02:57:13 pm
I'll give a hint about the title: It's related to the alt text for 419.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: GodWilling on July 16, 2015, 04:10:08 pm
Ah, this is straightforward. Approximately 70% of the way through the lyrics to 2000 Miles we get "The snow is falling down." So it's snowing then.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: ozymandias on July 16, 2015, 11:36:27 pm
I'll give a hint about the title: It's related to the alt text for 419.

well YOU are hardly a pretender; I'm guessing this is intended to be a long shot.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: jmundt29 on July 17, 2015, 12:44:30 pm
Could also be the rough distance from Kearsage to wherever in Minnesota the Cavanaughs are living.  Looks like a second subtitle could be "Here comes TROUBLE!!"

Jacqui's exchange with Miel didn't sound antagonistic.  Hmm.  Not warm either, but definitely not adversarial.  Sounds like there could be even more to the story of Pearl. ;D

ETA--I don't recognize the alt text for this one either.  Also, that shade of pink is unflattering for Johannes.  Deliberately so?

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: mns_95125 on July 17, 2015, 01:03:33 pm
That could be an awkward conversation.  "Hi, Pat.  I'm fucking your son now, and last night he fucked our daughter.  What's new with you?"

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: Tony on July 17, 2015, 01:22:05 pm
I don't think Miel or Pat know that Pat has a daughter. I think Jacqui didn't want to bother the happy couple with her pregnancy rather than the story that Ezra gave Miriam.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: jmundt29 on July 17, 2015, 02:59:58 pm
I...can't see Jacqui being that reticent.  Although, it could be that trauma that helped unleash her.  But it doesn't match what we know even of her young adulthood.  *shrugs*

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: GodWilling on July 17, 2015, 03:49:28 pm
Jakob came to Wilmot roughly around the time Jacqui met Pat and Miel.

It seems that a couple of years later Pat almost simultaneously fathered two children: Adrian by Miel; Pearl by Jacqui.

Loosely it seems that Adrian is Rain's project, while Jakob has been more interested in Pearl.

Ezra married the pregnant Jacqui and subsequently(?) became Jakob's lawyer.

That gave Jakob access to Pearl (now Miriam, after becoming estranged from Jacqui through a bit of mind control that could have seen Jacqui sent to prison).

But what did Jakob want with Pearl? I've said before that I see Pearl as some kind of anti-Adrian. But to what purpose?

Now Adrian and Miriam have had sex. Jacqui seemed fairly nonchalant about that. But now she's on the phone to Pat and Miel with some news. Can that really be that their son has had sex with her daughter?

Why did Jacqui break up with Ezra? Why did she bring her new man back to Kearsarge? Why did Rain come to Jacqui just to tell her Q was out of prison? Why does Jacqui have such antipathy towards Rain? Does that extend to Pat and Miel too? Does Adrian just think he got his floppy hair from Pat, the same way Miriam thought she got her nose from Ezra?

In a way I was right: snow is falling. But it always is.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: jmundt29 on July 17, 2015, 08:25:49 pm
Doesn't Adrian have to be Pat's son to qualify as Rain's project, since her promise to Wilmot flows through the Cavanaugh line?

When Ezra married Jacqui, he was manager/representation for up-and-coming rock bands.  He seems to have spent a lot of time on the road chasing business (which appears to be how he and Jacqui tripped over one another).  Jakob is a smarmy, worthless lower life form, but he comes from family money.  The kind of client that established lawyers with titanic reputations (or at least lawyers with big firms) get.  So, yes.  the representation of the Kupplers seems to have come after the marriage.  I could be crass about Jakob's interest in Pearl, but he doesn't appear quite as simple as Derek.  So, there does appear to be a larger plan afoot and he's maintained an interest in and a hold over Pearl for a significant period of time.  I don't know that she's necessarily Adrian's mirror, but that's an interesting idea.  Hmm.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: mns_95125 on July 17, 2015, 10:42:57 pm
I don't think Miel or Pat know that Pat has a daughter. I think Jacqui didn't want to bother the happy couple with her pregnancy rather than the story that Ezra gave Miriam.

Back in #398, Jacqui says that she'd thought they'd be a threesome and raise the child together, then comments that she should have run the idea by them first.  I think that implies that she did run the idea past them after she got pregnant, and they weren't on board.  And that means Pat does know about his daughter, or at least that he has a child by Jacqui.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: GodWilling on July 19, 2015, 01:31:43 pm
Doesn't Adrian have to be Pat's son to qualify as Rain's project, since her promise to Wilmot flows through the Cavanaugh line?

I think the last bit is supposition on our part. With no disrespect intended to PK, a few male characters in SJI look quite a lot like Adrian (and, hey, maybe there's a plot reason for that). But I agree it seems most likely that Adrian is Pat's son. I was just throwing out the possibility of an "I am your father" moment. (I don't think it comes across but appropriately enough I have asthma as I'm typing that.)

I also agree that it's most likely Jakob employed Ezra's services later.

Another thing to throw into this particular mix is the taking of Echo, which appears to have been well organized (the use of Claudia). And also Miriam's enforced virginity.

As far as the Jacqui thing goes: Miel and she fell pregnant around the same time - maybe very nearly the same time. Who told Pat first? It is actually possible for Jacqui to have thought they'd be a threesome, and to realize that she should have run that idea by them before she got pregnant, without her ever having told them. Although my reading was that she did tell them.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 420: 1400 Miles.
Post by: jmundt29 on July 19, 2015, 10:17:43 pm
I...huh.  Depending on how we dance around Adrian and Pearl's histories, Jacqui comes off looking like a more sympathetic version of Hagar.

It seems like they were just having a lot of fun and then Jacqui's vision of the future changed.  Was it just an accident?  Cavanaugh men aren't famous for their use of contraception.   Or did she think she was in love with one or both of the Cavanaughs, and engineer the Pearl's conception (by skipping birth control or some such)?

Given Adrian's statement that he knows that harems aren't all fun and games, is it possible he has other half-siblings out there somewhere?  It seems that Pat and Miel might have continued their play beyond Adrian's birth (which would have made that household...quite an odd place to grow up).  Hmm.  Lots of possibilities.