Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => Saint James Infirmary => Topic started by: Daphne on May 25, 2015, 10:36:20 am

Title: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: Daphne on May 25, 2015, 10:36:20 am

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: laguna85 on May 25, 2015, 11:36:27 am
Looking for woman himm!

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: Haight on May 25, 2015, 11:54:23 am
A cut back to Claudia and Julian... drat. Was hoping to stick with Haley's induction...;-)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: macavity on May 25, 2015, 02:26:27 pm
Looking for woman himm!

Actually, it means more than that...
Il y a une femme dans toutes les affaires ; aussitôt qu'on me fait un rapport, je dis : « Cherchez la femme ! »
Presumably a whole harem of them is infinitely worse....

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: jmundt29 on May 25, 2015, 06:33:26 pm
Haight beat me to it. ;)  Although, this could give us greater insight into the actual nature of Julian's play here.  He and Cherry were in direct contact with Jakob.  Claudia trusts him with her game and she suspects but is unsure yet whether Jakob survived.  So, depending on how Julian steers things we might get some clarity on his motivation at the moment.  Has he broken with Jakob?  Is he Jakob's mole in Claudia's little hunt...is Jakob using his disappearance and Claudia's motivation to find Dani without being detected by his harem?  Or is it something else entirely?  There are a lot of interesting possibilities.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: macavity on May 26, 2015, 12:43:02 am
But then... it used to be so simple, once upon a time.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: stiggle on May 26, 2015, 01:15:36 am
I love a bit of Pratchett.

I don't think Erin is Nanny Ogg though :-)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: laguna85 on May 26, 2015, 08:51:12 am
SJI-229 Rain (You have weapons Adrian you have ( 8 now 11) very dangerous ones)
Cherry hanging on.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: Haight on May 26, 2015, 09:04:46 am
Well, I'm glad that Cherry isn't dead... for some reason.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: GodWilling on May 26, 2015, 12:40:25 pm
Although, this could give us greater insight into the actual nature of Julian's play here.  He and Cherry were in direct contact with Jakob.  Claudia trusts him with her game and she suspects but is unsure yet whether Jakob survived.  So, depending on how Julian steers things we might get some clarity on his motivation at the moment.  Has he broken with Jakob?  Is he Jakob's mole in Claudia's little hunt...is Jakob using his disappearance and Claudia's motivation to find Dani without being detected by his harem?  Or is it something else entirely?  There are a lot of interesting possibilities.

I don't think we know that there's a direct connection between Julian and Jakob. It seems likely, but we don't know it. Claudia could have employed the services of Julian and Cherry as her first attempt at freedom, before realizing that they weren't to be trusted. Julian could have found out all he knows (and obtained the fob for the surveillance system) by investigation and break-ins.

In 363 Adrian said to Johannes "[they] worked for your brother, they said." But Julian didn't say that to Adrian or Caitlyn, and Cherry didn't say it, either at the house or at the airport. At the house Cherry said she was one of Jakob's victims, and at the airport that they were working for Johannes. Caitlyn suggested that they were working for Jakob but I don't think they ever said it. Johannes said "Herr Pichler has a history with us," but it's not clear who "us" is or how long that history extends back.

If Claudia trusts Julian with "her game", why did she desperately urge Derek to get the watch "Before Julian and Cherry do" (375)? There's surveillance equipment in Claudia's harem prison. Julian knew about it and Claudia didn't. The day after Derek identified Dani as the woman with the watch, Dani was run over by the BMW, apparently driven by Julian. Julian and Cherry knew that Zenon had the pendant too. It appears they stole it from him. They don't appear to have been working with Claudia in any of this.

It does seem that Julian wants the watch. On that basis it seems likely that the watch he gave to Adrian is the real thing, because it appears that Dani is the one who can fix it. Since I have in the past suggested there might be more than one watch, I'd be very happy if that's true but I suspect it isn't.

So why has Julian shown Claudia this broken watch? If this isn't the real watch then he's lying to her. But the real watch is actually broken, so... hmmm.

Claudia wants the watch and she doesn't trust Julian. He knows that. By revealing the surveillance and turning it off, and showing her the watch, he may be trying to gain her trust - giving the impression he's levelling with her. I can only imagine he'd do that if he wants something. Maybe he needs a woman with a similar motivation to his to get inside the SJI and do his dirty work for him.

Or maybe there are two watches. Or maybe we're reading two slightly different versions of the same story at the same time.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: stiggle on May 26, 2015, 04:29:32 pm
271 - Cherry says she was one of Jakob's girls.
317 - Johannes' PA tells someone that he knows as Danielle has told him and we can assume she that contacts Claudia (327)
343 - Cherry says they're working for Johannes.
345 - Cherry asks Derek what he's doing there and he says Johannes office phoned Claudia and she sent him.
375 - Claudia asks Derek who tipped Cherry and Julian off, so she knows who they are and that they are players.

So they all know about each other.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: GodWilling on May 26, 2015, 06:13:05 pm
317 - Johannes' PA tells someone that he knows as Danielle has told him and we can assume she that contacts Claudia (327)

The assumption about 317 isn't really safe. Johannes's PA told whomever she was talking to that: "He knows. Danielle Pellerin told him." He knows what? That Jakob is alive would be my guess. In which case she's talking to someone else who knows that. We believe that Claudia doesn't know it (166). Whoever rang Claudia spoke to her "maid" first. Maybe she knows more than Claudia does about what's going on, but we've no reason to believe that. And I can't think what else "He knows" could be referring to.

The person Claudia spoke to in 328 could have been anyone pretending to be from Johannes's office. I must admit it's not obvious to me why some third party would want Johannes to be picked up by Team Claudia - especially as the plan still seemed to be to pick him up and drive him to meet Dani. But as far as we know, the only arrangements actually communicated to Johannes were made by Dani.

So they all know about each other.

Yes, but they're not working with each other.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: jmundt29 on May 26, 2015, 07:07:38 pm
It seems like Cherry was lying about the Johannes thing since they ended up working in direct opposition to him.  Julian could have been talking to Jakob's mole in Johannes' operation again when he got the new "orders" but it seems that he was talking to Jakob...that this was our first confirmation that the cockroach is feet dry.

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: stiggle on May 27, 2015, 12:52:05 am
Claudia's Maid says it was Johannes private office that phoned them - after Johannes had left for the airport.  Who else but the PA - and who else but someone close to Jakob would have the number of the harems location.

Jakob having someone in the family firm would make sense so he can still channel funds to his side projects.

Cherry has been lying about a lot of things :-)

Title: Re: Saint James Infirmary 405: Cherchez Les Femmes
Post by: GodWilling on May 27, 2015, 11:23:25 am
Claudia's Maid says it was Johannes private office that phoned them - after Johannes had left for the airport.  Who else but the PA - and who else but someone close to Jakob would have the number of the harems location.

Who else but the PA? Well, perhaps the person the PA spoke to on the phone who knew that Jakob is alive? I'm not saying it can't have been the PA who rang Claudia; I'm just saying that it's unlikely that the PA is speaking to Claudia's maid in 317, because what she's saying there would make no sense to Claudia, or - probably - her maid. My guess is that in 317 she's speaking either to Jakob, or to another of his minions.

And, yes, my guess would be that it's someone in Jakob's organization who rang Claudia, but it isn't necessarily the PA. Claudia (probably correctly) didn't think Johannes knew of their existence. So she hasn't been in contact with Johannes's office before (or at least not since Jakob's disappearance). If that call wasn't actually coming from there then, well, how would she know the difference? Either way, the caller was being at least disingenuous because he or she was not actually speaking on Johannes's behalf.

And it isn't necessarily the case that the PA is working for Jakob. Lest we forget, someone also told Julian and Cherry that Johannes was flying in and instructed them to pick him up. Why did someone want Johannes to be picked up by Team Claudia? Why did someone (else?) want him to be picked up by Julian and Cherry? What's the motive here? Mischief?