Title: By the Book #17 Post by: Daphne on May 24, 2015, 12:50:55 pm Our nice young man gets another surprise visitor...
(http://mindcontrolcomics.com/covers/by_the_book-i17-p00.jpg) Art by Sturkwurk! Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: laguna85 on May 24, 2015, 01:34:26 pm Wow :o
Now Who house or office? Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: Geo on May 25, 2015, 08:25:34 am Gulp! The evil mind controller must be this way, Scoob. I say we go the other way.
Reah! Ritchen! Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: macavity on June 07, 2015, 02:42:14 pm Now Who house or office?
Mia's, going by the picture in the hall (penultimate page of #11) Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: carmel0 on June 16, 2015, 12:50:05 pm That's not Mia...that's Olivia at Mia's house, which means she's hooking up with Mia's husband while Mia is occupied.
Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: Haight on June 17, 2015, 01:12:01 am Super hot issue... all those story threads... only thing missing from this issue is Charlotte!
Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: dwcomics on June 17, 2015, 04:40:24 am Not badly done at all, especially the fact that it was 16 pages long instead of the usual 13. I loved how this one played out, except for the fact that it seems to have supported a comment I made about an earlier issue. That being that the guy, in my opinion, may have begun to lose control of the situation: thanks to Charlotte he's probably going to wind up with too big a harem for him to do anything with and he's probably going to die from sexual exertion.
Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: carmel0 on June 17, 2015, 11:42:37 am I think this is one of your best stories but I have to say I am a little disappointed with this issue. I get the sense that you are rushing the story. I think it would have been hot to include a slide with the manager smiling and telling Kayleigh what a good job she was doing and that she was getting a promotion (and perhaps other things).
I also think there are other sub plots that have not been fully developed such as Annie, the stuck up ex-girlfriend...and Karen, the girl that was supposed to do anything to get him in bed. Maybe if you included a new issue every month ; ) Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: dwcomics on June 20, 2015, 03:26:27 pm I think this is one of your best stories but I have to say I am a little disappointed with this issue. I get the sense that you are rushing the story. I think it would have been hot to include a slide with the manager smiling and telling Kayleigh what a good job she was doing and that she was getting a promotion (and perhaps other things). I also think there are other sub plots that have not been fully developed such as Annie, the stuck up ex-girlfriend...and Karen, the girl that was supposed to do anything to get him in bed. Maybe if you included a new issue every month ; ) I think he's got a point about the un-included sub-plots and forgotten characters. He suggests an issue every month, that would be good but I think another approach would be to make extra long issues every two or three months. These being something like twenty or more pages long, with the artists taking their time to build up the story over an extended period of time. Title: Re: By the Book #17 Post by: rdaneel on June 29, 2015, 01:38:38 am Good addition to the story, but such a tease! ;)
Thanks a lot! |