Title: Hypnotized Into Prostitution Post by: wcw43921 on May 06, 2015, 10:55:26 pm So I read the first installment of Fantasy World and was interested to see that in "Holly's Story" she accepted money for blowing a guy through a gloryhole. That, and the early installments of Cuckoo's Nest, are the only comics I've read so far that have women Hypnotized to become prostitutes. I was wondering if there are any others, along with recommendations for favorites. Perhaps there could be more of this at MCC--this seems to be the way Audiophilia is heading, as the Mind Control device does put me very much in mind of New Wave Hookers. (Although I doubt that Eighties New Wave music is playing on those devices.)
And I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to see a comic series based on The Brothel. ;) Also, a suggestion--while Hypnotizing women to become prostitutes (or strippers, or porn stars) is a popular Hypnosis/MC trope, I would like to see a story where a woman who is already a prostitute (or a stripper, or a porn star) is Hypnotized for one or more reasons, primarily sexual in nature. While Checkered Past has this as a storyline, the porn star in question was Mind Controlled (Brainwashed?) to leave the adult industry for her husband. While we may think of prostitutes--and strippers, and porn stars--as being open to just about anything, there are some lines that even they will not cross--like fucking without protection, or the biggest one, fucking for free. Hope that helps. Title: Re: Hypnotized Into Prostitution Post by: mns_95125 on May 07, 2015, 07:57:48 am This is a central theme of the Bearing Gifts/Found Objects series.
Title: Re: Hypnotized Into Prostitution Post by: laguna85 on May 07, 2015, 02:57:25 pm talk about another comics is the first one done and start the web site
(Obedience) Title: Re: Hypnotized Into Prostitution Post by: gromit on November 28, 2016, 01:46:04 pm This is a central theme of the Bearing Gifts/Found Objects series. There are far easier ways to build your fortune. I would be interested in seeing someone that MC wealthy older women, has them turn over all there assets / money and leaves them homeless when he's finished with them. Mind Controlled sex slaves worth keeping around should be young and nimble. Title: Re: Hypnotized Into Prostitution Post by: Leonardo Reign on July 19, 2023, 05:44:43 pm Quote ...the only comics I've read so far that have women Hypnotized to become prostitutes. Quote --while Hypnotizing women to become prostitutes (or strippers, or porn stars) is a popular Hypnosis/MC trope Actually, I'd like to see more of these myself, if they're well done. I liked this element of "The Nude Models" by Happy Andre. I'd like to see a story that combines the best of this with a straight version of the porn recruiter videos by That Kinky Girl's Dixie or Tina Lee Comet. Title: Re: Hypnotized Into Prostitution Post by: laguna85 on July 21, 2023, 04:00:41 pm I give one Sparkle
Title: Re: Hypnotized Into Prostitution Post by: KingMind on August 20, 2023, 06:37:36 am I would like this too. I honestly thought I was the only one. Hypnotised in prostitution or hypnotised prostitutes does sound pretty hot especially if you make a series based off of The Brothel, one of the best MCT movies of all time.