Mind Control Comics Forum

Artist's Alley => Requests / Suggestions / Ideas => Topic started by: laguna85 on February 23, 2015, 09:24:44 am

Title: story Ideas
Post by: laguna85 on February 23, 2015, 09:24:44 am
How about a Nano -Corset or Bra
That shape the body and turn anyone into a very horny sex crave person, this also control there minds

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: Geo on February 24, 2015, 09:23:23 am
Boy are you in for a surprise.

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: matmon on April 27, 2015, 02:43:41 pm
Women hypnotized into being petgirls

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: Geo on April 27, 2015, 11:56:37 pm
What's a petgirl?

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: wcw43921 on April 28, 2015, 12:14:20 am
It can mean one of two things--either to Hypnotize a woman into believing she's a domesticated animal--a cat, a dog, a rabbit, etc.--or it means to Hypnotize a woman to behave like a human pet--adoring, obedient, crawling around on the floor in the nude when at home, enjoying being scratched under the chin or on the belly--stuff like that.  (Eating out of a bowl on the floor is strictly optional.)

Either one has strong erotic potential, and I admit I've had fantasies about the latter--

 :)  "Now, my lovely darling--tell me what you are."

 :-* "Master, I am your pet--your adoring, obedient, Hypnotized pet."

 :) "And what will you for me, my pet?"

 :-* (Purring) "Anything you ask, Master."

Hope that helps.

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: matmon on May 08, 2015, 08:58:46 pm
That is pretty much what a petgirl is, though its also fun to watch them bark

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: strdnc1 on December 28, 2015, 04:09:36 pm
another idea would be a tech or magic headband with animal ears that results in temp or perminent behavior in someone who wears it. the title writes itself "light petting" as the young lady who finds the bands shares them with friends and gets a female harem despite being straight.

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: Greyman on January 24, 2016, 08:04:40 pm
another idea would be a tech or magic headband with animal ears that results in temp or perminent behavior in someone who wears it. the title writes itself "light petting" as the young lady who finds the bands shares them with friends and gets a female harem despite being straight.
The classic version is the magic/high-tech dog training collars that are mistaken for fashion accessories.

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: dwcomics on February 03, 2016, 09:10:04 pm
A little while ago I watched MCT's "Community Property" and I thought that could make a good comic strip.  Especially if you included some kind of prequel to explain what exactly is the relationship between the ex-boyfriend and his wife--is she the brains behind the scheme, was she his lab rat, did he have a grand plan to use his process for the betterment of mankind, only to have himself brainwashed into becoming a sex fiend?--and what precisely is the ex-boyfriend's brainwashing process anyway?  Taking a wild guess from what was shown, it looked like he got her to drink a glassful of nanobot-contaminated water, which he then remote-controlled from his laptop to slowly reprogram her mind.  Food for thought.

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: dwcomics on February 03, 2016, 09:19:11 pm
What about some kind of genie-centered story?  Some dude finds a magic lamp, bottle, or ring and makes a series of wishes that ultimately free the genie from her vessel, but then enslave her to his will for the rest of his life (he wished for immortality, among other things) and she becomes the first among his harem of devoted sex slaves, who exist only to obey and worship their master as their own personal god of pleasure.

Title: Re: story Ideas
Post by: Geo on February 03, 2016, 09:31:39 pm
Have two genie comics in  progress. Both for other companies. Sorry.