Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => SURVEYS => Topic started by: Daphne on September 13, 2015, 11:08:46 am

Title: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: Daphne on September 13, 2015, 11:08:46 am
Now that we've gotten our release calendar on a more even keel, I'm curious how you would prefer that we schedule titles.

Let's take the two extreme positions: If we have regular titles A, B, C, and D, we could run all A for a while, then all B, then all C, etc. It would mean less else would get released during that period, but a single title would finish faster.

The other extreme (which we're kind of at now) is maximum variety during the months, but with a single title taking longer to finish (not any more issues, just longer in time).

How do you feel? Do you care? Let me know!

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: avari_kami on September 13, 2015, 12:49:36 pm
Faster helps me maintain a more emotional involvement with the characters.
variety is nice but i tend to forget which character is involved with what aspect of the story. 

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: Haight on September 13, 2015, 12:53:27 pm
Faster helps me follow the same story. Variety is nice but I'm sure we'll get to it eventually, and this site already has a huge variety of mc stories on it (well, fitting mostly within the md model, of course).

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: GodWilling on September 13, 2015, 02:27:07 pm

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: Tony on September 13, 2015, 07:12:28 pm
Very few of your comics have ever finished with the exception of comics that you call one-shots. There are certainly titles that I like and would like to see more often. If there were ever planned to complete, that would be a love/hate thing in my mind. Keeping them going has charm since they are favorites. Coming to a conclusion, if done well, also has charm too. I'm generally not into never ending stories but none of your comics have gotten that long yet to be called never ending. They just seem to be long running since there is so much time between issues. That is why I chose faster as there is already plenty of variety in my mind.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: carmel0 on September 14, 2015, 07:23:40 am
I would like to see some regularity with your series.  For example, I enjoy "The Persuader".  I don't think there has been an update in 6 months.  If there was a way to release the "Single Issue" stories on days other than Wednesday (like you did today), a keep Wednesday for your different series, and keep the series updates on a schedule (every 6 weeks or every 8 weeks for an update).  I think that would keep all your subscribers happy and engaged.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: ozymandias on September 15, 2015, 12:55:32 pm
I would like to see some regularity with your series.  For example, I enjoy "The Persuader".  I don't think there has been an update in 6 months.

Me too.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: pervagi on September 16, 2015, 03:16:55 pm
As I see most comics on the site as continuing series, I am not overly in favor of rushing a string of issues in an attempt to finish them.  However,  if you decided to not continue with a comic that was not intended as a one shot it would be nice to have an ending to it so as to not leave it hanging.

Some comics seem to get a more regular rotation than others while some (Drains being one that leaps to mind) have such a large wait between issue's that I wonder if it's a dead story or not.  So I guess my preference would be for a more balanced rotation with issue's finished when you decide their time is done.

That being said, I love the variety of styles of MC that you provide in the comics.  Sometimes you come up with a kink that I didn't even know I had.  I like more of the stories on this site than I don't and that is why I keep subscribing.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: ffranco999 on September 16, 2015, 05:14:18 pm
Faster updates would probably help with maintaining consistency in the artwork.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: Daphne on September 16, 2015, 05:15:09 pm
Sometimes you come up with a kink that I didn't even know I had.

This may be one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. :)

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: jlpicrdh on October 24, 2015, 12:54:32 am
Variety is the spice of life. While there are popular titles that I like (HMB's work to be specific), there are other ones that just don't do it for me (Hidden Knowledge, for example). I like knowing that if there's a week that I'm not particularly interested in, I don't have to wait 2 months to get something I do like. Likewise, there are a lot of the smaller titles and one-offs that I really like that probably wouldn't get published as often if you did a whole run of one of them at once.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: salanar on November 04, 2015, 01:42:29 am
As previously stated, I gravitate strongly to certain series, and agree with pushing comics out faster would discourage consistent membership. I also don't like the idea of 6 comics in row of a series or even two series I don't care for (nothing against those who make them). I've tempered my greed with the more realistic notion of having a chance to read a wider variety of kinky materials I might pass over in different situations.

The idea of core comics with random outliers is intriguing. The obvious risk is boredom and recent complaints about content moving too slowly (a la audiophilia complaint I saw recently). Adding another comic release day sounds stressful on your end and I'd hate to have rush jobs because of compressed development cycles.

I rather like the current monthly cycle system, but I see no reason not to tweak it if it can be done realistically. Perhaps doing occasional thematic months could appease both crowds.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: sohta123 on November 07, 2015, 09:19:39 pm
I vote faster as well.
What i would suggest is a bit of both.
Currently you are doing 5 multi-page comics a month (4 plus the once a month one time only). That's 10 in two months.
I think you could do four of your best/most popular titles ongoing and rotate them bi-monthly.
And then one short title that only lasts 2-4 issues during the two months and then the other 2-4 issues being sine one time only. And if a short series or single issue title is a hit then do a follow-up later.

So a two month stint might look like this:
Week 1 - Beyond Rubies
Week 2 - Short series #1 volume 1
Week 3 - Confused
Week 4 - Single issue
One time download - Single Issue
Month 2
Week 1 - Hidden Knowledge
Week 2 - Short series #1 volume 2
Week 3 - Cuckoo's Nest
Week 4 - Short series #1 volume 3
One time download - Single Issue

Rinse and repeat. Unless that's too short on the turn-around. Then possibly do a 3 month cycle. That gives 4 to 6 issues a year on your main titles.

And do one more regular series that runs on the months that have 5 weeks in them. So you might be running Chrysalis during those months.
And the short series can spill over into another month if need be to complete the story you want to tell.
I think the long waits between the main titles is what's rough. Currently it's been 5 months since the last BR update (I hope that title and Con-Fused goes on forever or at least have spinoff continuations).
Also you may want to close out the titles you don't want to continue with a final issue for those. It would help for folks to know what's completed and what's going to continue.

Title: Re: Faster or More Variety?
Post by: Residentweavil on November 10, 2015, 06:20:12 am
Tough call in context.

I think I would say faster but with variety.

At the moment, I think you have too many great stories going. I really like most of them but this ends up having a very long wait between updates and that makes it hard to stay interested. While the comment that someone made about being bored for a month while a story you don't like runs, the opposite, waiting half a year for one you do like to update, is also rather painful.

The suggestion of having some sort of mixed schedule sounds pretty good. One monthly, a couple bi-monthly and a one-shot( or 2-3 issue shorty) each month might work out. It would have 5 multi-issue storylines running so there should be something for everyone and you could do 'pilots', new stories or finishup short-runs on the 5th week when they happen.

Thanks for asking.