Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => By The Book => Topic started by: Daphne on January 16, 2020, 05:56:55 pm

Title: By the Book 2 #4
Post by: Daphne on January 16, 2020, 05:56:55 pm
Be sure to check the footnotes…

(https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/images/by_the_book_2/i04/by_the_book_2-i04-p00.png) (https://mindcontrolcomics.com/comics/by_the_book_2/i04/preview)

Script and Lettering: Daphne • Art: Sturkwurk

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #4
Post by: lifmcs on January 16, 2020, 07:48:37 pm
Pun Game: en pointe

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #4
Post by: Daphne on January 16, 2020, 08:27:45 pm
Pun Game: en pointe

Well played!

Title: Re: By the Book 2 #4
Post by: lifmcs on January 22, 2020, 02:09:32 am
Good gravy, what's keeping those canteloupes cradled during Julianna's runs? I'm not sure material science has advanced to the point where properly supporting them is even possible. How fortunate then that this is fantasy!

Also, although not personally affronted by this deficiency, I did find the promised footnotes to be rather sparse. Any profootser worth their degree would mark you down for shoddy research. Or something like that. I'm straining this metaphor to it's breaking point. Just like whatever happened to Julianna's sports bra. Zing!