Mind Control Comics Forum

The Letters Page -- WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS => General Discussion => Topic started by: ozymandias on January 03, 2024, 02:34:00 pm

Title: The Green Sign
Post by: ozymandias on January 03, 2024, 02:34:00 pm
Just re-read The Green Sign. The opening scene in that comic is still one of my favorites. I think I know why it ended, though--it's hard to imagine where that story might have gone, given that the MC is apparently highly effective and unbreakable. I think the best stories require *some* kind of conflict.

That said, I wonder if, given that opening scene, we might open a whole universe that with steampunk MC that goes a lot like the Martian Harem goes. Thralls in government, a secret cabal trying to control Parliament without getting exposed, and a process that's only effective if you can capture the victim for an extended period of time. And come to think of it, beyond the MC machine in Green Sign, that same universe would be friendly to phoney booths and Victorian spiral machines and other varieties of cartoonish MC. Not to mention Dr. Michaels-like responses to a "green sign" on a door or in someone's hand or on their signet ring.